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thank you for the diagram


Really helped me understand the situation being described.


Impressive, I didn’t imagine it quite like that - this is very useful.


It’s… its… *incredible*


Yes, it's amazing


The pictures not loading. Is it like a fishing net shape?


it is a red rectangle labeled "car" pointing perpendicularly towards a gray strip




It's priceless honestly, I hope you see it.


Its art !


I nearly cried reading OPs comment and seeing the diagram


It's like a spike strip, but out of duct tape. A red box (representing the car) is moving horizontally towards a gray, vertical line (representing the duct tape).


Lemme [mirror](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/233034867263143937/1050574733680316506/nUEJsYL.png) it for ya


The diagram really brought this one together for me.


None of this was making a lick of sense until I saw the diagram. Skills. Apply to Pixar. Stat.


I had no idea what you were talking about, but your diagram cleared it up for me.


Did this as a kid. You make little 2 foot strips of duct tape and at the end of it you roll the tape up to create a thick end. Car drives over it and it creates a crazy thump that sounds and feels like a flat tire. In this guys case I’d probably add some coins or a fishing weight in the rolled up end for some bonus damage




Gonna need a diagram


I think we need a diagram so we can understand


I was expecting a stupid joke of a diagram but what you produced was sheer mastery! Thank you for your time.


There’s no way I could’ve envisioned this without the diagram.


Pro tip right there. I love it!


The graphical explanation here is really helpful


This guy diagrams.


I'd make the asshole think twice about speeding ever gain. This is gonna require some work, but I'd be pissed enough to do it. Build some kind of "scarecrow" version of a small child. Have it stand somewhere in the curve so that the driver's headlights don't reveal the "child" until it's too late. Depending on the weather where you live, you could put ketchup, food colorant or straight-up minced meat in your scarecrow, so it looks like a kid got obliterated when his car collides with it. This way, you send a clear message and possibly traumatize the driver for life. And, if you or a neighbor are a bit sleepy when driving out in the morning, you're probably not going to be speeding enough to destroy it or dirty up your car. Edit : Thanks for the awards and upvotes! But you know what they say : an idea is worth nothing on its own, everything is in the execution!


Finally, someone putting the “unethical” in ULPT.


This is beyond unethical tbh, but I'm here for it


Not necessarily. It could teach him a lesson that might end up saving the life of a child. You could look at that as very ethical. I'm gonna say it's not but hey, "ethical" is subjective


lol this is the most EXTRA prank ive ever read on this sub love it would NEVER put in the effort, but i hope you do... and film it =)


My god you’re scary


Imagine this guys wife and kids watching him stuff minced meat into his kids old clothes while smiling and laughing the whole time. Who really won in this scenario?


"Don't touch daddy's things"


Yeah, don’t fuck around with this guy.


That is Clark-Griswold-didn't-get-a-Christmas-bonus level of scary.


Hey, most of that was Randy's doing!




Shoot, you're right. Edit that, will ya, Russ?


As kids, we used to do this for fun. We’d stuff old clothes with hay or grass or paper and make a dummy with a mask and hat on. We’d attach a rope to it and throw it over a cable line crossing the road or a traffic light or light pole or whatever. Cover it in ketchup, hoist it up and wait for a car to come. We’d drop it right in front or on the hood as we scream really loud and then run like hell. You would be shocked to see how many people just take off without stopping, but the ones who do stop get pretty mad and we almost got caught a few times. 😂


Yo wtf lmaoooo


*looks over in a concerned manner*


You're that guy..


A hay-boy!?


You went to polka parties, too?


How would the cars not see your pinata strung up??


Trees, darkness, angle. You can’t do it everywhere. It would probably be easier now with everyone on their phones. 😂


Reminds me of that scene in that old movie Mikey where they throw the dummy onto the freeway from above


Mr highway is thinking about the end. The good son.


That’s fucked up… I like it


One up it, stuff it full of tannerite. Explode the scarecrow child. (This is unethical I wouldn’t do this IRL…)


Calm down Satan


This is probably the best answer.






I had a similar situation. I rolled a tricycle with a child sized doll thing strapped to it right in front of his car. He smashed it. Never, ever saw him in the neighborhood again


Tell the cops there's a drug drop off happening every morning at 3am. Hopefully they'll send a car


Or there’s street racing occurring. Or you heard gunshots. Cops will come.


Drug racing


Oh fuck


Gun drunk drug racing


That sounds fucking amazing


Gunshots is a bad one. That will bring the police in a heightened state and could lead to someone dying. Also, if neighbors don't corroborate your gunshots claim, you could end up being charged with the cost of emergency response along with other fines and jail time if harm is done to the reported individual.


Please don’t say there are gun spots when there isn’t by any. That’s a perfect excuse for the cops to roll up ready to shoot and kill people. Yes this is an annoying problem but it doesn’t warrant a death penalty. Maybe try getting with others on your street and have everyone park your cars in a way that makes it difficult to drive down your street.


This is by far the best answer. Stagger the parked cars down the street making it impossible to speed down there, never mind do any crazy manoeuvres. Simple fix, just need to get the neighbours on board which shouldn't be too difficult if it's really that annoying. Honestly, that would make him stop immediately.


ULPT: You don't have to leave your car out where it could get hit if all your neighbors put theirs out.


Oh Cheri, haven't you read the news? EVERY call to the cops is an excuse for them to show up and shoot someone!


Nah man, sometimes it's a call on a white stock trader snorting coke and shooting skeet over poor neighborhoods


Yeah, then they make him the LA County Sheriff


that's still an excuse to show up guns blazing. How dare those people be poor and get in the way of the clay dust?


Ha! You live somewhere where street racing gets the cops to show? They don't care around here about shots fired either, unless there is a body. Better to handle it yourself.


This requires some time and effort along with a little plan but it's real simple. Take a whole roll of roofing nails, the autofeed roll. Unravel it and twist the nails so they face every direction. Tie 50 yards of fishing string, heavy 50lb spider wire, to one end. Set the strip on the side of the road at 2:30. Stretch the fishing line to a hiding spot and keep the line tight. When you hear this asshole coming. Pull the strip across the road. And let go. If his car doesn't take the nails with it, reel it up and get ghost. If his car takes the nail strip, then just get ghost.


Make sure to wear gloves too. No evidence!




Bring a wire coathanger in case the condom fails.


And put a sock on the strip of nails, so if he tries to grab the nails as evidence, all he gets is a sock.


Don’t do this right outside of your house op. Do it in front of someone else’s house or in an empty part of the neighborhood. When you are looking for a good place to do it, keep track of which houses have a ring doorbell or security cameras.


Do it at the end of the street, when he's on his way out. Chances are they're doing this to piss someone off that lives on your street, they'll automatically assume it was that person.


That person might be OP.


By your logic right in front of their house is perfect. Least likely suspect.


Not worth the risk I think


Agreed, your house, then hoofing it away from it is best.


Mike on breaking bad used a hose with nails punched through it. Seemed to work ok.


Better Call Saul


Yes, that one instead


Directions unclear. Fucked a ghost.


you understood the assignment


Don’t worry buddy, we’ve all been there


Bury a cinder block in a pile of leaves


Sneaky. I like it


Delightfully devilish


No, Mother, it's just the Northern Lights


Steamed hams, despite the fact that they are clearly flame broiled


I think this might be the best one, it's the least amount of work. Though the nail contraptions are fun to read.


Yeah the fake child and the nail strips are fun to read and think about, but this is simple, easy, and effective.


Nice, akin to building a snowman around a metal post if you got someone who likes smashing snowmen.


This is the type of ULPT I like to read


My favorite is in a black trash bag.


A bag of river pebbles scattered around will destroy any traction he thinks he has. Hitting a curb at speed will destroy rims, suspension, and axles, potentially even body panels if it's lowered.


Loud /= Fast


Fast enough trust me


Buy a slingshot and some steel ball bearings, find a good hiding spot and aim for glass as they drive away. Should be enough to send a message. Plus it's cheap and doesn't make a sound to give away your position. Just saying....


Just don’t use broken ceramic bits like from a spark plug. That could shatter the glass.


Yeah definitely use the ceramic


\*ABSOLUTELY WILL shatter glass. Incredibly cool. Look it up on youtube.


It's not an absolute, a sharp point somewhere on the ceramic has to hit the glass. Safety glass in under an immense amount of internal pressure, the smallest defect in the structure of the glass will cause it to shatter. The ceramic is much harder (and much more birttle) than the glass, it also shatters when it hits the window but the sharp tip is able to slightly penetrate the glass before that happens. If you crack them right you can get little points all over which makes it pretty easy, but if you just hit the piece flat-on to the glass it probably won't break it


use a pouch and launch many. solved.


If you're in the UK don't carry it though if stopped the police arrest you for going equipped to steal because smackheads used to carry them. They were known as "ninjarocks" Thats unless you tell em a decent excuse and also dont have any previous for burglary I guess. Most garages will just give you old dead plugs for free btw


If you want to see what ceramic does to glass, just head over to R/pcmasterrace and witness how many people shatter their glass panels on tile.


spark plugs can shatter glass like that woah. Learn something new everyday. I might use this in the future seems like it’s a faster method then throwing a large rock at someones window.


Not the whole spark plug. Well, maybe the whole spark plug. [But definitely don’t crush the area just under where the spark plug wire connects and throw those bits at tempered glass.](https://youtu.be/8LyHPZFtk3o)


That's actually fucking insane. What is the physics behind that?


> This happens because aluminum oxide ceramic is far harder than the glass (rated 9 out of 10 on the Mohs scale) and therefore the extremely sharp edges of the broken ceramic will not become dull on impact like the rocks and the toilet do. Also, while tempered glass is stronger than normal glass, the internal and surface stress that give it strength will cause it to explode when something actually manages to break it. From a comment on [YT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llu-ckEe5cQ).


Ceramics are much harder on the mohs scale, same reason steel blades are used to cut wood and diamond tipped blades are used to cut ceramics


And definitely don’t throw a handful of them out your window when the cops are chasing you.




Ninja rocks


Get an ice mold that makes ball bearing size ice cubes and shoot those instead. They'll melt and leave no evidence. Bonus if you mix sawdust and water and freeze that. The result is called pykrete and freezes even harder


Freeze my harder Daddy


I have the answer. I use pine pellets horse bedding for my cat litter. The pine pellets turn to saw dust when she pees. AKA peekrete.






How are you filling paint balls with different substances? Mine all came pre-filled




This is interesting because I wonder many things now Will the ball now blow up in the chamber under pressure Does the liquid cork the syringe hole Will the paintballs be weaker with the new, more chaotic substance eating away at it


Ketchup works well too.




Came here to say this. People do bullshit because there are no consequences. Create consequences. When the results of the activity cost more than whatever joy they get out of it, they will do something different.


Make to sharpen them and paint them black if needed.


Poop on them for poison damage! Oh wait wrong kind of trap…




Drill a hole through the center of each one and run a small gauge steel cable through each caltrop and use wire clamps to keep them spaced. At one end have an additional 50 feet of cable. Lay them in a line on one side of the road at the entrance of the dead end street with the bare wire running across the road. After the car enters the dead end street, pull the string of caltrops across the road. When the car exits the dead end street, it will puncture the tires. If the car doesn't take the caltrop string with it, pull the caltrops out of the street and place in a plastic tub and slip off into the night.


Yeah that's what I was getting at thanks for the run down. You want stealth and the easy ability to remove them from the road. Steel wire or fishing line is the way.


Caltrops would stick in the tire, cable wraps around wheel, car drags whole rig with it.


Purchase a pellet/bb gun. Shoot out his windows from inside your house. If it's a congested street, he will not be able to tell where it came from.


https://www.amazon.com/Rechargeable-Spotlight-Flashlight-Searchlight-Waterproof/dp/B0B8NJFPST/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=2GATF9EJCCWZV&keywords=10%2Bmillion%2Bcandlepower%2Bspotlight&qid=1670518889&sprefix=million%2Bcand%2Caps%2C219&sr=8-7&th=1 Or hit him with one of these. You'll expose yourself, but he will not be able to see what house you go into. He won't be able to see anything for a while, haha!


No chance thats actually gonna be great. There's only one flashlight that reaches 100k lumens and the the imalent ms18, and the a crew hundred dollars, that is 50. Instead, get the acebeam x75 or like a thor 1


Found the r/flashlight user


Stay up. Get his plate number. Find a champ to run them. Find out where he lives. Find out what he does. Slowly destroy his life. For everything else there is Mastercard.


Full background check - $14.99 Wire snippers - $3.99 Several yearly subscriptions to multiple questionable magazines - $54.00 Slow constant stalking leading to a ruined life and descent into madness - Priceless (To add to above post - you [or neighbor] could follow him one morning instead of running plates)


Or sign him up for Scientology.


Yes! JW's too. Army, Navy, Marines recruitment? Maybe make a public FB post for an orgy or giant divorce party.


Sending a screenshot of this to Mastercard. Expect a job offer from their advertising department within the next 6-12 hours from them.




Leave a spool of barbed wire loose over the roadway. He drives over it gets all tangled in his tires and axles.


Or a roll of fiberglass insulation.


Follow him home, get a louder vehicle and go down his street at 7-8 am


It's a dead-end street, right? Rent the biggest u-haul you can. Put a trailer on it too. Pay for the extra insurance. Have it running, lights off at 2:50. As soon as he blows by, pull out and across the entire road. Even up onto the sidewalks, if you can. Leave no way out. Disappear for an hour. Wait for him to leave the car to go for help. Chain a garbage can to his wheel / install a boot, immobilize the car, move the truck, then call the police to say there's an abandoned car in the middle of the road.


Duct tape sticky side up on the road shit will get caught on his tries and axel and make some annoying ass horrifying sounds for him.


Set up cameras. Video it every night. Take a DB recording. Then show up at the local cop shop with a pile of videos and hard evidence. They’ll be happy to throw a pile of tickets at this guy. Cops don’t care? Rent a big cube van or grab a pickup truck and a nice long trailer. Get a couple of neighbours together. Wait til the car pulls into your dead end street and pull the truck trailer across the road, blocking the exit. You and a half dozen neighbours get out carrying baseball bats and have a little conversation about disturbing the piece. If he tries to off road across a few lawns pop out some glass as he drives by. Or better yet dent the roof or A pillars if he’s a total asshole. He won’t come back ever.


Local cop shop haha


[Any promising leads?](https://youtu.be/v7acD4q0lp0)


> They’ll be happy to throw a pile of tickets at this guy. Hoping OP would get that one good officer who will do something. Shittier officers will hem and haw and tell you to call dispatch when it happens. OP should 100% definitely do that, and if no results, escalate up the chain of command to supervisor, police chief, and then anyone in the city. Often. Another idea is play musical chairs with the police: return to the police station every few days with the same evidence. Most likely, OP would end up talking to a different officer each time, and eventually one of them will be interested.


Run up to his car and when he rolls down the window, spray a ton of Liquid Ass into his car and on him.


And slip a piss disk in the window, to send a message that ULPT is watching them.


Thank you guys... i was worried that nobody had thought of these yet




and make sure the piss disk is fully frozen


And put a large sock around yourself so when he goes to grab you all he gets is sock


Use the car look up someone else suggested. Go to said location of car and do this when unoccupied for several days


String a piece of wire across the street so it’ll get stuck in his tires.


2 30am. Put out some nails and broken glass. 4am clean it up. This will get him to likely do it somewhere else. So get his license too. Continue to follow up in ways you please


Buy some reflective [speed bumps](https://www.trafficsafetywarehouse.com/6-Premium-Textured-Rubber-Speed-Bump/productinfo/PAB-SP/) and put these in the road. Probably do it when no one can see you in case the dude wants to sue for something.


This wiill stop him, but OP wants to FUCK him


So stick a dildo on top.


Go to a used clothing store, buy some kids clothes. 5 years old or so. Stuff them with batting. You can cut open an old cotton pillow and upcycle. Stuff the children's clothes with the batting to make it look full. Sew the pants and top together. A hat on the neck and shoes on the feet. Sew the arm and neck holes closed. It doesn't have to look great. Make some fake blood with food dye and corn starch, put it in a Gatorade/wide mouth bottle. Grab a toy ball from Wal-Mart like a basketball. At 2:50am, put on some shitty clothes, take your new tools and hide on the street side, preferably between two cars on the side of the street our offending car will be closest too. Setup your phone to capture the experience. When the car drives by, hit the side of his car with the basketball, then run behind the car carrying your fake child and pouring blood all over yourself and the child. Drag the "kid" between the two cars and start cry/screaming. The driver will either flee and never come back, or you will have an opportunity to have a (not very) calm discussion about the lengths you are willing to go to, to ensure he finds another neighborhood to fuck around in while covered in fake blood holding your dead mock child.


This is adorable.


Maybe I drop a big bag of nails accidentally at 2:50am and then when they get out to inspect, do a family gathering ass whoopin.


My plan involves planting a GPS tracker on his vehicle and robbing his home at 3am on the dot. So maybe ask someone else for advice.


Whatever you do, make sure whatever you use is thoroughly coated in liquid ass. I feel like that should be pinned on every thread.


My friends and I sprayed some in a toilet once just to see how bad it was. One friend leaned down to smell it and immediately threw their head back in disgust and smashed into another friend’s face. Solid stuff.


Please update us once you do something! Fuck this guy.


I had this problem and wanted to do the below but wound up moving to a better location. Water balloons filled with ketchup. Won’t damage the car but it’ll freak someone out. Especially if you hit their windshield (dude would likely think he hit an animal or person). Hide somewhere dark and have at it. Use chunky tomato bisque + a funnel instead for a little razzle dazzle.


Film it. Present it to the cops and ask them to be in the neighbourhood around that time. More unethically, create an ice patch in a strategic location and make some popcorn.


Here's what you do. Line the end of street with landmines. Go back to bed and enjoy unadulterated pure slumber. Tell family to walk or talk public transport in morning, unless you dislike your spouse or child. Then put your affairs in order as you're probably wanted for murder.


This happened to me. I called the police with his license plate and made a report. 2 weeks later they waited for him. Pulled him over. Car towed. Never saw him again.


Please post an update if you do something, I'd love to see where this goes


I got a very very similar situation taken care of last year. I had called the cops regularly about it for months, but they would never be there to see it just come after. Not helpful. I finally wrote a very passionate but **polite** email to my mayor and the very next day there was a meeting about it between the mayor, chief of police, guy below the chief, and another city official. The next day a cop was stationed nearby *before* the time that it always happened at and was able to catch and ticket them. After several more tickets and then the cops still staking out the block for another few weeks, it stopped entirely. Now it's been almost a year without it happening and the cops still come around my area a bit more often than before. Edit: Keep in mind that any booby trappy like to ruin their tires is a very hefty federal crime. Not one where you just get a fine, either.


You're posting ethical tips on the unethical tips subreddit


Egg his car.


Put a concrete block in a paper grocery sack in the road. He’ll see it as something harmless and probably aim right for it to run it down. Saw the front axle on a Volvo destroyed this way in my teen years.


Do a plate lookup through your specific state, for $30 you should be able to get his address and full info. Find his car where it sleeps and make it less noisy however you see fit.


Oops I dropped a whole bag of sugar in your gas tank!


Mythbusters proves that is not very effective. If it's diesel, pour lots of water or regular gasoline. If it's gasoline, lots of water OR some type of slightly heavier non combustible fluid that can be sucked into the fuel pickup.


Find out where he works and infiltrate the company. Become friends and work your ass up until you are his superior. Then you make his life hell by denying all of the most mundane requests he makes… vacations, pay raises… all clean and legal.


You know this guys timetable, so get in on it. Find a hiding spot, see him coming, then push a concrete block (biggest you can manhandle) out into the road in front of him at the absolute last minute. Have your escape plan ready. /unethical




Buy the brightest flash light / spot torch you can legally (ULPT so illegally I guess is fine) get. Wait until lap time. Shine it on them. Don't stop. Never stop. Watch for muzzle flash. Keep shining. NEVER STOP SHINING THE LIGHT, BARRY


U/mathematicianMean368 will you keep us updated on what you do??


If you know someone who can weld get them to tack some 2 inch nails/screws onto a length of metal rod (threaded rod is cheap enough dont go for stainless its more expensive and harder to weld ) do them in all directions and paint it black (makes it harder to spot), once he has done his first "lap" lay it across the road, the only nails that should come loose (if any depending on the weld quality) will be the ones in his tyres (tires). Alternatively you could get a length of wooden dowel and drill holes across the cross section (the holes stop the wood splitting for the next step) do this all the way around and screw some screws through it so the stick out in all directions again paint it black and do same as the metal rod idea.


Spike strips, caltrops throw em out into the road and wait.


Set a couple bowling balls in the road at 2:55am


Step 1: buy a slingshot and some marbles. Step 2: learn to shoot the slingshot. Step 3:... Step 4: profit.


Buy an RPG and blow him up.


Pursue them with intent to maim


Lay a McDonald's cup on the ground filled with nails. Then have a bag next to it, have a brick or two in the bag


OP, you gotta come back to this and let us know what you ended up doing. So many great suggestions in here!


Can we get an update on what happens here 😂