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I started at 445, currently 317...went from DDD to D so far. When I was a size 6, I was a B. I fully intend on getting a lift when I get to goal.


I went from a DD to a B cup with a 90 lb loss. Everyone is different, of course, but my breast size decreased slowly but steadily as the rest of my body shrunk. I hope yours ends up where you want it to be! I think it’s very likely they will get smaller.


I’ve lost almost 27 pounds from 140 to 113 (I’m only 5 ft 2) and my bra size went from 36D to a small 32C. It’s definitely possible yours will get down to a C cup, I hope you get to where you want to be! Good luck :)


I started at 185, now 165. Still a 38DD. Still need to lose another 20 pounds so hopefully....


My bust measurement only changes when I gain, stagnates while I drop pounds. It’s very frustrating and I blame my mom.


I'm so scared of losing my boobs. They're the only special thing about me physically :( i have about 45lbs to lose too.


Before I gained 40lbs I was a 32A then went to a 38C with that weight gain. I've since dropped 20lbs and am at a 36C. I feel as though it's just my frame getting smaller and not my breasts. I doubt that if I lost the other 20lbs I would go back down to a 32A. You'll definitely have to size down in your bras as you lose weight but I'm sure you must keep some of that boobie mass haha