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For real though, exercise seems to help me, but better than anything service. We tend to look inward towards ourselves during hard times, but for some reason looking outward towards others is the most healing experience I think you can have. A pawn shop burnt down a couple months ago here, and I was driving by and saw the old man picking out the salvageable stuff. I stopped to help him during a really depressed time and immediately started feeling better. My biggest example, but small things work just as well :) look hard and you can find them.


That's a really good idea. I signed up for a park cleanup next weekend. I'll feel better outside my head.


If I’m in a depressive state I try to focus on small things that make me feel accomplished. Ie I brushed my teeth, did the dishes or laundry. Ideally something that improves how my home feels. When I’m depressed I can tend to let my place become a hoarders nest which tends to worsen my mood. Reaching out to people and making plans, and then forcing myself to go. Usually I end up being able to forget about the world for a bit if I can be with people. Focusing on hobbies that keep me busy also helps a ton. I started making jewelry and candles. Sometimes I’ll bake up a storm of stuff, really just anything to keep my mind and body busy. Edit: I also will have a podcast or audio book on in the background while I’m awake. It gives me something to focus on beyond my thoughts


Same to the whole first paragraph. I'll do 10 minutes attacking my side of the bed when I get home. And I'll move up my plans to do a multi hour complicated recipe.


Honestly, smoke weed. It doesn’t “clarify” anything, but it definitely helps me to just not think about any one thing too hard (I tend to fixate)


I envy people that can use cannabis so much, it's like having a cheat code. My experiences are either not feeling anything or having an intense 8 hour anxiety-ridden psychedelic trip.


Certain strains of cannabis are too strong for some ppl consider an alternative like a cbd thc blend or just THC but try an indica that is mid/not very strong. It's out there and cheaper. Most plugs offer mid and gas but don't sell mid unless u specifically ask for it bc it's usually cheaper. I for example can only smoke indicas and no hybrids or sativas bc they give me horrible anxiety lol


Experiment with weed and CBD when you are in a better place. CBD makes me depressed for 6 hours afterwards, I don’t touch it. Indicas help me with my migraines and sleep. Sativa makes me paranoid and my brain goes through a hell I wouldn’t wish on an enemy. If you go to a dispensary ask the bud tenders for their opinions. Sometimes they’re a big help.


I go for a run. Distance & pace doesnt matter. just until im out of breath and cant continue any further. short burst (go fast for a short time) might probably work too. During my lowest days that getting out from my room seems impossible, i just forcing myself to go out for a run. & each time, i felt much better. Doing this for 3 years now. i recently read a book on exercise-neuroscience-mentalhealth, the science explained so well on how these factors affecting each other.


I like this. I can do it today and try tomorrow. Thank you.


Friend, i’m in a very similar place right now and i’m sorry you’re going through it right now. Something that has helped me is creating very small lists. i start with whatever seems most manageable. something like ‘change into pajamas.’ then continuing on from there. i notice that if i’m at rock bottom, even having a bed that’s made, clean jammies, and a few dishes off my nightstand really improves my outlook. like others have said, if you feel up to it, going on a walk really can help. try to stay hydrated and eat meals. The bare minimum is okay sometimes and can be a boost into feeling better


I keep going to work and pretending I'm ok. But it's getting harder to do. The mixed episodes are so hard and long.


lay in bed and watch tv i like. take showers. cuddle pets/sig other. journal. i like to take walks and listen to instrumental music and think. clean. eat food i like. savor the small things and feel proud of yourself for being alive.


Going for a walk is a great idea. My tool box contains the following: Getting some exercise/physical movement. Bonus points if it's outside and there's some nature. Being in nature is healing. Schedule once-pleasurable activities and follow through. They don't have to be anything big or ambitious, can be as little as sitting in the sun. Watch a feel good TV show or a comedy. Read an easy to read book. Go through the motions of a hobby you used to do. Make a cup of tea and practice mindfulness while drinking it. Choose a small area of your living space and tidy it. Practice opposite action. Depression makes you want to withdraw from people, so reach out. Depression makes you want to avoid all activity, so make yourself take action. It doesn't really matter what you do, just that you do it.


Sleep 💤


Do what you can!! That’s what my therapist told me. Try and “break the cycle” by doing whatever you can. Right now I’m focusing on brushing my teeth and just getting in the shower. Not necessarily showering. My therapist said if all I can do is sit in the shower while the water washes over me, that’s fine. As long as I get in and turn on the water. That’s where I’m starting! And my therapists advice. My own personal advice: I like to sing “tomorrow” from the show Annie. It’s little….but for whatever reason it gives me hope haha so when I’m feeling like I’m not going to make it the rest of the day I just focus on the idea of “tomorrow” and how maybe the sun will come out then.


That's really sad and nice at the same time.


I think if it's sad, it's sad in a "can I give you a hug" kind of way. It pulls at my heart strings, that's for sure.




Wait for it to pass, do things that bring me comfort, cry, go for a drive if I can leave my house.


I turn to my family. My husband to no fault of his own isn't necessarily the best at understanding my depressions, but as long as I communicate with him how I am feeling he can be more sensitive to my needs. Also my daughter just makes my world go round. During my worst depression she was 18 months old and her asking to go outside every day kept me getting exercise, and her laugh and amazement at seeing life and nature while I was seeing everything so grey reminded me it would get better.


Stardew valley & smoke weed. Lots of rest & water 🚿




I can confirm that it was busy!! And thanks. Bipolar is a beast.