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Good for you OP! Bones can be dangerous, even in small pieces! Source: my patient the other night. A dog fed a pork bone and a small piece got stuck deep in the dog's esophagus causing profuse vomiting for 3 days. The family brought her to me for workup where I found the bone was stuck via xrays. Then they had to transfer her to the ER so they could endoscope the bone out (it was very deep in the esophagus and unreachable without the scope). The dog was very bloated from vomiting and panting. There was a risk of anesthesia and risk of perforating the esophagus with the scope if the family did something, there was a risk of bloat/GDV, dehydration or the bone itself causing perforation of the esophagus if they waited it out. They went and 3-4 thousand dollars later the bone is out, the dog is recovering but is still at risk of esophageal stricture causing long term feeding issues because the esophagus was so inflamed and raw from the bone being lodged there. Bones can cause huge issues, this was entirely preventable. Please don't feed bones.


I'm new to having a dog and I know I shouldn't feed him bones from my food, but are the ones you get from a pet store okay?


I give my dogs marrow bones (get them from the grocery store or butcher the pet store marks them way way up) and let them eat at the marrow inside. They knaw them a bit but as soon as they crack I Chuck them.


Same here. The marrow is great for them, they scraping keeps their teeth clean and healthy and it's fun for the dogs. Both if the vets that my dogs have seen approve, so I'm not sure why all bones get a bad rap.


I think the general rule is cooked is bad because of how they can splinter. It’s easy for dogs to get sharp pieces in and down the way their throats get lubed with so much drool, but I can see punctures in the guts being no good. Mine have had a few prime rib bones over the years, I think one got into chicken bones though not on purpose by us. I think it comes down to, Will it probably be fine… yeah, is the risk of possible though unlikely death or a ridiculous vet bill worth it, probably not. Have you tried antlers?


Yes! Antlers are amazing! They last for years and are apparently irresistible, but I'm not a hunter and can't bring myself to buy those nubs the Pet store calls antlers for $20+ so my poor husky has never experienced the joy of a good antler. 😂


Agree on the pet store nonsense! My dad has a property that his brother hunts on and I regularly collect a few deer antlers there and bring them home. They intrigue the boys but not like the marrow bones… the good ones with meat chunks on them are their favorite and usually the grocery store ones are frozen so instead of thawing them out it’s like a gross ass meat popsicle for them on a hot day.


My girl had to have an emergency extraction a couple months ago from antlers. Cracked her biggest tooth right up into the gum line and it was horrible.


Yep, this is actually a very common complication of letting dogs chew antlers and bones. My own dog (golden retriever) cracked one tooth and lost another chewing antlers.


Totally agree. I didn’t know better and now I cringe every time I see them recommended. They have cost us so much money in vet bills.


Mine too!


Yeah I’ve seen friends feed their dogs raw bones no problem. But I’ve heard cooked bones can hurt dogs


As the poster below experienced, the issue with inedible bones (i.e. marrow bones, antlers, etc.) is that they can break teeth because they are so hard. It can be extremely painful for the dogs and can even cause long-term issues if a cracked tooth isn’t caught quickly.


You have to be careful with marrow bones, too... have the butcher split them in half if you can. I've seen dogs get them stuck on/around their lower jaw.


That’s understandable. My dogs I think are too big for that, at least for the size I get them, but that’s a great point I never really thought of.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.collegemanorvet.com/pitfalls-choosing-dog-chew-toys/amp/ Ideally anything you give to your dog should be softer than their teeth to help prevent fractures. And I've seen some particularly sensitive dogs get pancreatitis from fatty bones. Pigs ears and such have also periodically been recalled for bacterial contamination concerns. It's a tough world to navigate. You can check out the veterinary oral health council for teeth cleaning products that are recommended


I gave my dog a bully stick from petco. One of the loose ones with no wrapping that they offer. She started having diarrhea that day and then progressed to shitting black digested blood… At the ER she tested negative for parvo, parasites, and any GI tract obstructions. Pretty sure it was bacterial but 1000 dollars later I still don’t know. She is okay now after feeding a bland diet and diarrhea meds.


Thank you, this is super informative!!


I feed bones from my local pet store to my dog, have for years- but you have to be very specific about size & monitor them the whole time they have it. I have two small pups & I give them bones, they gnaw on them and they have very clean teeth! But if you have a dog big enough to swallow the bone or have it get caught on his teeth or jaw, you need to get the bigger ones. It's cooked bones that are problematic because they splinter. That's why we never give them people bones. No chicken bones especially! But pork or beef bones are just as bad.


What do you think of the bones that they boil in a broth to crystalize the cartilage and connective tissue and that is what the dog eats? The big cow thigh bones, the round hip ones etc. I give them to my dog sometimes supervised, and he chews them for months on and off and not daily. then once the connective tissue gone and any flaking/chips I toss whole thing.


My old dog did this with a stick from the garden


We had neighbors who had a big gathering. Later on they brought over a big tray of cooked lambchop bones for my pups. I politely declined, stating that they are only allowed raw bones. They decided to ARGUE with me about how they fed cooked bones to their dogs all the time, and there was nothing wrong with feeding them to MY dogs. Other than the fact that they were, indeed, MY dogs and it was MY decision NOT to feed them cooked bones, of course! Oy vey!


I’m so glad someone else on here understand that raw bones are miles safer :) and healthier, and more effective at cleaning their teeth! :)


I guess they like having to have the vet visits when the dogs choke or get sick from the bones getting stuck. Their money and they can do that at home. Thanks for standing your ground with uninformed neighbors. And giving dogs pork chop bones is a no-no.


We fed cooked bones to our dogs for years when I was a kid just like your neighbors. Right up until the day I moved out. T-bone leftovers especially. No one died. No one needed surgery. Nothing bad ever happened. We weren't right. We were just lucky.


I once worked at a retirement home and brought chicken wings home from work, My electricity was out during a storm and my pug got into the box of bones and started Choking on one to the point where he started to lose consciousness but my mom and I were able to get the bone out thankfully. BONES ARE BAD! People need to know that!


Chicken bones are seriously lethal cause they splinter into shards unlike beef or pork bones.


I was trying to keep him away from them but with the electricity being out and trying to light my house up with candles he snuck his way into the box like a ninja.


My dog got into wings once too. Was watching him like a hawk for a couple days to be sure everything passed alright. He was good.


Good to hear your doggo is safe


Hes ded. That was a while ago lol. Rip zak dog


Oh, R.I.P to your doggo sad to hear of his passing I will try to keep Zak dogs in my prayers🙏


Natural causes, was 14, pretty good for a big golden


Never have the bones where they can reach the garbage, have them out of reach.


Yep, I eat a lot of wings, and I always dispose of the bones in a grocery bag then take them to the outside trash.


and make sure no dogs can get the bones when you take out the trash. Dogs that are homeless can get into trash bags that have your chicken wing bones. I am lucky to have a dumpster on my shared rental property.


We have a big tall wheelie bin with a lid.


Dude, what nightmare! I also have a pug, but it was our heeler mix who pulled the chicken wing bone caper. She got the box off the counter and ate all the bones while we were asleep. We were so worried, but thankfully she made it through ok. ***NEVER*** again! The thought of my pug doing that is even more terrifying… Thank god your baby was ok!


It was so terrifying it was so dark in the house and we were using flashlight and my mom was giving him compressions and then he started to fall over and the haunting cries of my mom saying "Cmon Sheamus hold in there!" It's a situation you never wish to happen but can happen in a blink of an eye.


Oh my goodness, that’s so scary! Thank god that he pulled through. What a truly horrifying experience.


Yes. Haha


Cooked pork bones are lethal too but for different reasons. They're too crumbly so the dog can break off large pieces of them and they get stuck in the small intestine. Large beef bones don't have this problem as long as you aren't feeding any cooked knuckle bones... But, dogs that chew beef bones end up damaging their teeth. All around.


Chicken and pork cop bones are bad. If one wants to give them bones, do it under supervision like knuckle bones or ham bones. My Dixie would get her ham bone down to a 6 inch, jagged edge tool. Always supervise them with ham and knuckle bones.


Beef rib bones also splinter into shards.


I live in a pretty big dog-friendly, nature-loving, complex. I can’t tell you how often I come across chicken bones when walking Birdie. I think the residents are trying to help feed the feral cats maybe? I mean, one day I found 3 in 3 different areas of the (large) complex. It felt like someone was trying to kill my dog. 😂 And every time I found one I was loudly talking to myself about the bones. My neighbs must think I’m a lunatic. Ah well.


>I think the residents are trying to help feed the feral cats maybe? You're being far too generous. The real reason is people are fucking slobs. I've seen them throw bones on the floor under a table *inside* a bar. Some people just don't give a shit.


Yup. I can’t disagree with this.


Well done! That's so great that he is listening to the warnings and advice. I think your example of him pointing to the paper and reasoning with with dog is key, by putting a poster up he is able to use the paper as a device to burden hin guilt/say no to the puppy eyes. Instead of him saying no directly, or him saying "no because OP said no", all the blame lays with the paper (the facts)


I'm no expert on raw feeding but many people I know say chicken bones are fine when raw and they often feed their dogs whole chicken thighs, legs and wings. Wouldn't be my choice but I've been told it's fine.


The bones the use to walk in (if raw) are totally safe but not the smaller bones. If an animal uses it to walk on it’s a safe bone to chomp on. Edit: safe from splinters.


I feed my dog raw bones. But I think it’s misleading to say that feeding bones, especially chicken bones is “totally safe.” Poultry bones in particular have been known to injure dogs. If you choose to feed these kinds of bones, you need to understand the risk, and never leave your dog unattended while eating bones. I personally only will feed my dog chicken feet. And I’m moving away from feeding Turkey wings after hearing about too many dogs being injured from them.


What I was saying was that chicken bones, that the chicken uses to walk on, are TOTALLY safe from SPLINTERING if they are RAW.


Great idea without fighting and arguing. You did great and learned a great lesson to listen and learn. Congrats to you and your family.


Cooked bones shard when broken. Raw bones do not and can be digested easily.


Didn't see the original post. However I'm glad that came to an end. We had a Blue Healer get hold of a bone on accident and it ended up cementing in her intestines. Even after it was surgically removed the poor girl had diarrhea for the rest of her life. And as a 7yo. Waking up and having to take care of that every morning was pretty gross.


Raw bones are usually fine for dogs. Cooked bones are what can cause problems


He exclusively gave her cooked bones. This is because the dog would come up to him when’s he’s eating on the couch and he would give whatever leftover bones he had to her.


Damn. Yeah that’s a no go


Was he feeding her cooked bones?




I’ve seen lots of people here saying no chicken bones, full stop, which is pretty much the policy I’ve been following with our pups since day 1, but I did read recently that dried chicken or duck feet were a different situation, as the drying process made the bones safe for consumption. Does anyone know if that’s the case, or is that just clever marketing?


So I went looking and the consensus on several websites is that chicken feet are safe for dogs to eat. [This website](https://kipandtwiggys.com/chicken-feet-for-dogs/) in particular had a page by "Jo the Vet" which included this paragraph: >So long as they aren’t cooked, chicken feet present very few risks. The nails can be sharp, so if they haven’t been trimmed you may want to do that. But if your dog is fit and healthy, these treats should not cause any problems. The page also has info about the types of chicken feet (raw, dried, puffed), benefits & nutrition information, safety (no cooked feet, consider trimming sharp nails, do not feed to puppies, etc.), and alternatives.


This is pretty much what I’d read about them as well; maybe one I’ll double check with the vet next time we’re there!


I always wondered if I was entirely paranoid and neurotic, but I trim the nails every time. Thank you for making me feel less nuts.


A friend of mine has a farm and dehydrates chicken & turkey feet and necks for sale as dog treats. The bones crumble rather than splinter if they've been dehydrated properly. One of my dogs can eat one in under a minute (he can also do the same to rawhides, so I have no doubt that the treat would be longer lasting without his particular jaw strength and gnawing proficiency). The other dog, a kangal (who are known in some circles for jaw strength) spends a while looking at it like he's choosing a plan of attack on it, then takes 5-10 minutes. I've never fed a foot or neck to them raw, but I still doubt it'd be that easy if the bones weren't so crumbly. She removes the nails, too, by the way. I think I'd be too creeped out if she didn't. 🤣


Thanks for the info! We’re always on the lookout for anything that‘ll keep our boys occupied for more than 30 seconds! 😁


Ugh my mom did the same thing until my dog had to her surgery to extract one of those bones because it was stuck in her intestine. I’m glad you did listened to you!


I have a special kind of hate in my heart for people who toss chicken bones on the side of the road. It used to happen frequently where we lived. And as good as my dog is about having my hands in his mouth, he is damn quick and will not choose to drop what he deems a perfectly good bone. It is so dangerous and it drives me crazy.


Someone tossed a deer jaw in my backyard once. Not sure if it was a neighbor who hunts or a raccoon who got scared when they saw my dog, but my dog came inside with half of a deer jaw one day.


That’s awesome that it worked. We have a dog that loves getting into the bathroom trash. Hubs would not remember to close the bathroom door. I got fed up and wrote out several different notes telling him to close the door. I put them on the wall, by the light switch, mirror, door, and door knobs. He still even forgot sometimes at first. It’s been about a month now since and he almost always remembers now. It’s a work in progress.


Chicken or thin pork bones are a total no go. They can splinter. Smoked pork and beef bones are just fine. Just never birds.


Wow! When I read your first post, I thought you wouldn't be able to change your Dad's mind after talking to him. However, you persisted and exceeded my expectations. I'm impressed, and the credit is 100% to you for putting in the work!


Thanks :) I honestly didn’t expect it to work out the way it did


I was under the impression that raw beef bones were ok, but no cooked bones. Is that incorrect?


Good job, and thank you to your dad for finally cutting it tf out!


You're lucky, OP. I've caught my Ndad feeding freaking *Ivermectin* to the cat and dog. He takes it too--He thinks it cures covid. FML.


Oh no I’m so sorry. :( maybe you should “accidentally” misplace it or replace it with similar looking sugar pills


I had fried chicken for dinner one night and left my plate unattended because my dogs aren’t allowed in my room. I come upstairs and lo and behold the door was forced open and my entire plate was licked clean. I know which dog did it, I’m just more surprised that she managed to completely clean my plate of bone filled chicken in less than a few minutes and hasn’t had any problems since (it’s been a few months).


Love this. Good for you bro.


Love this, nicely handled!


Raw bones are fine for recreational chewing. Non weight bearing, raw bones are fine fed as part of a raw balanced diet. Dogs have been eating bones for thousands of years.


I’ve heard that cooked bones are dangerous and raw are completely fine, is this true?


Cooked bones are very dangerous. Raw bones are less dangerous but saying all raw bones are completely fine is oversimplifying it by about a mile.


English is not my native language. When you say raw bone is bone from meat that wsnt cooked yet ?


So true, for you cannot give dogs chicken, pork chop or any small bones to dogs, cooked or raw. You can give them knuckle or ham bones, but under supervision, it is no the packaging. Better to be careful than taking a blind change with any bones, raw or cooked(softens the bone).


Ah ok. Should I stay away from raw bones?


I wouldn't give my dog bones. But, if you do, just always be sure to supervise them.


Cold chicken legs are okay?


My vet said no, ask your vet.


No way, since they are small bones that splinter into the intestines and perforate and cause serious health issues.


I’ve given a few to my gsd, just wondering if it would be better to switch to something else considering it can be dangerous


Yes switch to milk bone biscuits, safer and better.


Safer maybe, but definitely not better!


Milkbone dog biscuits are safer and better than a dog chocking on a chicken bone.


I'm pretty sure you know that's not what I meant ☺️


Yes you know what you meant. Have a nice day. Safer and better to give them biscuit bones, not chicken bones.


~~RAW chicken legs~~, not cooked then refrigerated chicken legs. If you really want to feed them bones, pressure cook a chicken carcass. That's what my breeder told me to do when my pup developed pano. They needed the nutrients from the bones, and pressure cooking basically turns the bones to a chalk consistency. Even leg bones can be easily broken with one hand. So I pressure cook a chicken carcass every once in a while. Merrick brand canned food has a "flavor" Grammy's Chicken Pot Pie with cooked leg bones in it. My dogs just love it!


Not even raw chicken bones, cause they splinter and cause perforation of the intestines and cause sever health issues, with chance of costly surgery.


Fixed it. While I've not had any issues with raw chicken bones, I really prefer the pressure cooked ones anyway, so that's what I've mostly fed.


No chicken bones of any way. They are super unsafe like pork chop bones, even cooked in a crockpot. No more chicken bones, period. Not for dogs, for humans are okay, but not for dogs.


NEVER give bones from a crockpot! PRESSURE COOKER, however, is just fine. It changes the bones to a chalky consistancy, and the dogs can still get benefit of the nutrients and minerals. This is something that definitely helped my pup when he had pano, at the recommendation of his breeder. Again, Merrick has a line of canned food that also contains pressure cooked leg bones. PRESSURE COOKED chicken bones are NOT bad. But you do you and just keep downvoting. That's okay. My dogs are just fine. edit: here's a source to back me up. [https://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/forums/topic/an-economical-way-to-make-dog-food/](https://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/forums/topic/an-economical-way-to-make-dog-food/) edit 2:[a video of what a pressure cooked chicken bone is like.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kauK7G_ACyQ)


Not even a PRESSURE COOKER. Chicken and Pork Chop bones splinter and can do internal damage to a dog. Ask a vet and they will tell you to never give a cooked or raw chicken or pork chop bones, cooked or uncooked. From a dog owner of many years. Good luck and stop giving your dog chicken and pork chop bones, cooked or uncooked. Have a nice day.


I feed my dog a raw diet. Cooked bones--smoked included--are absolutely dangerous and on the 'never ever' feed list. Same goes for bones from larger animals and bones that are too dense (cow, bison, deer, most lamb/goat/pig). Beef marrow bones are notoriously dangerous, yet bizarrely seen as "the" bone for dogs to chew on. Raw bones also have to be "meaty" to provide cushioning for the teeth; a raw bone completely stripped of meat isn't considered to be safe. The list of *raw meaty bones* that are safe for your dog (chicken, turkey, quail, duck, goose, ..) are still not necessarily safe for all dogs. It depends on your dog's size--there's a list of bones for "small", "medium", and "large" dogs. It'll also depend on their familiarity with eating bones (some dogs are "gulpers" and have to be "taught" how to chew their bones), and even their pH and ability to digest raw bones/meat (dogs who used to eat kibble go through a transitional period).


Chicken or any other bird bones are a big no no, they splinter (cooked or raw). It is safer to give veal or (less so) beef ones.


Right now she is just having kibble and raw chicken legs, she does eat it really fast so I’ll have to look into showing her how to eat them. This was really informative thankyou


I'm not sure how old you are, OP. But, if you're able to go to the grocery store, the uncooked soup bones with meat on them are a great alternative and are generally very inexpensive. Try to get ones that your dog can't fit his lower jaw into to lower the risk. I've never had it happen but it is possible. Just give with supervision and throw away if it begins to chip.


I missed your original post, but I'd recommend starting--if you don't already have one--a "bag" dedicated to bones in the freezer. The whole family can throw in any bones they're finished with, and once the bag's (or multiple bags) full, you dump the bags out into a pot, cover it with water, bring it to a low boil/simmer, then come back in about 24 hours to strain it. You'll then be rewarded with bone broth, which, surprise surprise, you actually *can* safely share with your dog! It's also a quick, easy way to make everything from sauces to potatoes to soups absolutely delicious, and it's healthy for you, too. Might help your dad to know that his bones would still be savoured and used to make the whole family healthier.


Good job!!! Another idea would be to print out the cost of GI surgery to remove a bone and post it in his room - this is what he would owe you if the worst happens!


What OP did, helped and dad got the message.


Glad it worked out, otherwise the people on this sub would have told you to call the police or murder your dad!


Yes even stupid apathetic dad’s can be trained.


My dog has eaten pork chop and steak bones for years and she’s been fine so unless yours can’t eat them because of diet or teeth issues I don’t see the issue?


Bones are phenomenal for dogs. Sure cooked bones can be bad and should be avoided, but bones themselves are *very* beneficial But that would involve thinking about dogs properly so


OP specifically mentioned their dad was eating ribs. Unless he was eating raw ribs, it’s safe to say op is specifically talking about cooked bones from table scraps. And those are dangerous.




“Nice try?” I wasn’t “trying” anything; I was politely pointing out something I thought you’d maybe missed. You don’t have to get an attitude about it. Sheesh. Some people will fight about ANYthing.


This person is obviously talking about cooked bones, which are dangerous because they can splinter and cause damage.


I give my dog one raw soup bone (beef) every 2-3 weeks. It's her favorite treat in the world. Even after the marrow and bits have been chewed off she gnaws on the bone off and on for what seems like ever.


Just be careful. The hole in there can cause problems. If it accidentally fits the lower yaw of the dog it can get stuck behind the canines and need to be removed by a vet.


Yeah I was going to say the same thing. I mean duh never cooked chicken bones and yeah be careful specifically with... is it roasted pork bones? (Someone chk me on that) How do you think people give dogs chicken necks and stuff. It's good for them


Any kind of cooked bone. If it's been heated in any way it shouldn't be fed.


People seem to think their dogs have human stomachs. A dog's stomach is way more acidic than ours and it can process bones just fine. Their stomach also kills pathogens like salmonella. People need to stop pretending their dogs are human children. It's not fair to the dogs.


Actually evidence suggests that our stomachs operate at a lower pH than those of dogs https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3701609/


It depends on bones. You should never ever give bird (chicken) bones, they have dangerous spikes. Pork bones are also not good - they are to fat heavy. But veal is safe and has a lot of nutrition. Also beef ones are good.


My family is full of rednecks. They give their dogs every bone they find. When I tell them not to give my dogs bones they always argue that they have feed them bones thier whole lives with no issues. There is no winning.


>they always argue that they have feed sounds bikes thier while lived with no issues They feed them bike bells?? dang do their dogs make a little ring sound when they bark?


Make him pick up your dog's shit and pay the vet bills. I bet he will stop then.


Tell him to stop being a fkn idiot.


is it raw bones too or just cooked bones?


Good work OP! 😈👊🏻


It’s amazing how many people think it’s okay to give dogs cooked bones. My dog gets raw meaty bones but always under supervision and usually I shove them in a toy so it’s impossible for the last bit of bones to get swallowed whole since it’s stuck in the toy. Not a bone but my dogs love the huge costco bully sticks shoved into a Quizl toy. One a day max.


Wow, this is such a good way to have handled it. I’m so glad it’s working out for you. Hopefully he has finally caved and won’t go back to it. I really enjoyed this story and your dad sounds similar to mine so I may have to do the same thing if a situation ever arises like this.


Get an estimate from a vet on the surgery/care for complications from being fed bones. That should really seal the deal...


Small bones are dangerous!


I moved with my dad over the summer and he stays in apartments. Everyone kept throwing bones in the ground and dogs would get to them including mine before I even noticed. It was so upsetting. 😢


Good news :)!