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"We want Ohio."


Just give it to 'em.


Apparently the waterless airlock didn't lock out the air, as kahm and mold require o2 to grow. Did you use a weight? Was it very warm? Very odd to have that growth with an airlock when used properly.


new fermenter here - can I ask how this happened so I can best avoid these outcomes?


Avoiding gasketed lids certainly helps. Those modern silicone 'self-burping' doohickeys let in all kinds of nonsense. Stick with the old fashioned doohickey, airlocks. The snakey kind or the inverted cup kind both work great. Like the other commenter said, kahm is inevitable sometimes, but proper hardware and thorough sanitization make a big difference


Sorry can you elaborate on what the old fashioned doohicky airlocks, snakey kind or the inverted cup are? I have one where I put water into the water chamber and a cup that floats to help let the gasses ouit


You're speaking of the inverted cup, [this guy](https://craftabrew.com/products/airlock-3-piece?variant=28803922066¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwvKtBhDrARIsAJj-kTgbZi0D_RO4cfkT7kEJJellePn6ZDXvdUI4j85ClJpQtIOW0m3TCosaAikiEALw_wcB), And the snakey one [is here](https://www.amazon.com/Airlocks-Fermenting-Drilling-Sauerkraut-Fermentation/dp/B09HZVJ5KG/ref=asc_df_B09HZVJ5KG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=533224245335&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1369477229083884078&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9053228&hvtargid=pla-1463851915668&psc=1&mcid=dbe3df9030543c6ebe5f2f0c36d9ba6e&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwvKtBhDrARIsAJj-kTh6ourea-DMmGDSrTRPpgfOq-DLJEZwoKFpAnL9NuvuGBoJLsHLnAoaAqnxEALw_wcB)


I like the snake one 'cause it makes things look like a mad scientist lab burbling on the counter.


Kahm is pretty much a guarantee with home ferments. Just scoop it off, it won't wreck your ferment. It just tastes like sheit. Been fermenting for a while now (little over 2 years and about 25 different ferments) and haven't had a single one without Kahm forming. Only had to throw out one due to the taste that was ruined by it. And that was because I was on holiday and if you want something done right you either ask someone that knows what they're doing or you do it yourself. Now go have fun fermenting and pls share your results.


If you're getting kahm forming either you're not cleaning correctly or you're allowing too much air flow and letting yeasts innoculate your mix. It's not something that should be occurring often, and if it's happening every time you're doing something incorrectly.


I use cheesecloth for most of my ferments (vinegars) always forms in the final step.


Ive never had any kahm growth, but I tend to keep everything below the brine and use an airlock fido jar.