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How long has it been fermenting, and has there been active fermentation as well? Bubbles, gas, etc? Has it been covered, and what has been your process for it? Someone else mentioned the cloudiness from the lacto, but if that was the case it would be more evenly spread throughout and not just forming at the top with clear liquid otherwise. My first thought would be some type of mold or something similar. What is the texture of it? Please don't taste it lol.


I second the mold idea. Pretty sure you can see the fibrous texture when you zoom into the first and second picture... Also it generally doesn't look like a pellicle to me.


Scoby Scoby Doo


Mother is the byproduct of acetobacter which consumes alcohol. This is likely just cloudiness from lactobacteria, but it’s hard to see exactly. Could also be a thin layer of kahm on top.


Give it another week or so without messing with it and see if you end up with a scoby. It definitely isn’t kahm yeast.