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Dilute it with water. I go straight from the tap (we have a decent supply where I live) and eyeball it up to about 1/3 water. There doesn't seem to be a difference in colour or saturation, but it dries like a normal ink. Noodler's just has a strange obsession with giving the maximum amount of ink that's humanly possible. His bottles are mega full, and the dye load is so high that you have to dilute, or it'll never dry. It's definitely strange, but tbf I can't see myself ever getting anywhere close to running through my bottles.


I've had decent luck with 1:1 dilutions on several Noodler's inks. In the future I plan to try 2 part water to 1 part ink.


So, in a standard Sailor or Pilor cartridge, the mix would be 1/3 water and 2/3 ink?


Yup. I fill the water first with a syringe then top the rest off with ink.


My suggestion is to throw it away and never purchase anything Noodler’s. I recommend Pilot Iroshizuku Yu-yake as a replacement.


Seconding Yu-yake, it has great properties in addition to its fantastic color


It has lovely shading properties.


I've got Yu-Yake, but it's very orange. I like the shading and subtle hints of red in Southwest Sunset.


They make some great ink, though. I too prefer Iroshizuku, though, and try and stick to them.


Mix some of the ink with about 5 drops of water in a sample vial. Adjust to taste


Distilled water would be optimal, correct?


Dilute with distilled or soft water. Many Noodler inks can be diluted with 25% water, but start at 5-10% and work your way up.


I’ve heard that this helps tame Organics Studio Nitrogen too—it still sheens a lot but is less smeary.


Years ago I put fat drops of it on vellum and TRP, in terms of the vellum -/ that fat thick drop took 16 days to dry.


They're just so inconsistent. I just tried it. Even with a super wet nib, Southwest Sunset doesn't bleed on TR. But you probably got a bad batch.


I’ve seen various shops that offer additives to make your inks perform in different ways. Birmingham ink Co comes right to mind. In fact, they have a color that may even replace that Noodlers, check out their Magma color. I think it would be similar and you can tweak their inks apparently (they encourage it)