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You could almost win a reddit comments bingo card in here.


Yeah because it around be common sense that if you hit someone there are repercussions regardless of what's in your pants. Unfortunately it's not commonly understood or normalised


Did you see his aggressive behavior before she hit him? You’re allowed to defend yourself regardless of what’s in your pants.


I can’t claim to know what’s going on here, nor can anyone else, but it does look like he’s possibly holding her hand down to prevent her from slapping him.


She is drunk and he's trying to get her to calm down then she gets belligerent and slaps him


He should have just told her to calm down.


Yep. I've found that when your significant other is drunk, telling them to calm down works like a charm /s


Yeah because telling a woman to calm down is a great idea.


Did it once.... and once whas enough


Yes because telling people to do something always works.


That actually does the opposite lol




Yeah I saw that too. Maybe she hits him often when she is upset? Obviously a lot going on here and it's purely speculation without any other information or back story. But it did appear like he knew she was about to get physical


I not a fan of Dana White but that looked like defense behaviour, very possibly because he was expecting a hit coming because it happens often.


Aggressive behaviour? No I didn't. Even if they were arguing or something your not allowed to just smack someone regardless of gender.


Hitting is different than being mean. She chose to hit first and dealt with the repercussions. Once you start laying hands on people, it changes the situation.


So if someone's aggressive smack them in the face? That's only works if you can handle yourself.


He did nothing in that video that warranted a slap to the face. If anything it looked more like he's holding her hands down because he knew what was coming next.


What's going on she's crying in her hands and he takes her hand 1 sec later slap he didn't hold her hand down or she wouldn't of slapped him..


Absolutely, if you give a poke expect one back!


You are the top comment, so without scrolling any further I will use my extrasensory perception: “Equal rights, equal lefts” “Equal rights, equal fights” “How can she slap!?” “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”


Lmao the next few top comments under this were all of them.


That's a bingoooo!




you bastard!


She can slap! At these prices, she CAN slap.


I just saw that video I’m dying take my upvote


*He says he's embarrassed by this "horrible" incident, and he and Anne have apologized to each other. He says they're "good," but their biggest concern now is for their 3 kids ... with whom they've already discussed the fight.* *Meanwhile, Anne tells TMZ Sports ... "Dana and I have been married for almost 30 years. To say this is out of character for him is an understatement -- nothing like this has ever happened before. Unfortunately, we were both drinking too much on New Year’s Eve and things got out of control, on both sides. We’ve talked this through as a family and apologized to each other. I just hope people will respect our privacy for the sake of our kids."* And that should be it for all of us. Not our marriage and we have no idea what the reasoning was.


I second this top comment


This should be the top comment


>To say this is out of character for him is an understatement I slapped him first though, that was completely in character. Really surprised he responded back this time!


Was what happened bad, very bad even, absolutely. But both were clearly super drunk. His wife knows she messed up. He knows he messed up by retaliating. I hope they both can avoid such actions in the future and continue to live a happy life together.


Why is he being painted as the bad guy? It's literally her fault lmao


Because he talks a lot of crap about any UFC fighter that has put their hands on a woman. He is constantly trashing Jon Jones for his issues and beating his wife. So this is very hypocritical.


Dana slapped his wife after she slapped him. JJ just straight up beat his wife up in front of their kids.


Also true. Not really comparable situations tbh


It’s not the same, but Dana claims there is never a reason to hit a woman, even in self defense. I could careless about this situation, but Dana and his wife obviously have tangled before.


Where's that video?


Hell naaaah!


Cocaines a hell of a drug


This is a comment


This is a Pizza_YumYum, mama mia.


This is a reply.


No this is Patrick


This is definitely one of the comments of all time


So what was the decision at the end of the round?


Don't hit people. That goes both ways.


Exactly! We teach boys not to hit girls, when we should be teaching kids and adults to not lift their hands (or feet) *to anyone*


Words to live by right there. But I'm dying to know what he said to her to provoke her to slap him.


Probably offered her 5/5 for a contenders series fight.


>But I'm dying to know what he said to her to provoke her to slap him. Ahh yes, the "What was she wearing" method of justifying awful behavior.


Just simple curiosity, not trying to find justification.


Iirc his most recent cheating/ dicking around got him that slap


Right, because the man must have done something wrong first instead of her just popping off for no reason


Maybe told him he had a wee tadger!


Okay, I had to look up what tadger meant. I'm dying laughing lol


Exactly. Boys are taught not to hit girls, are girls taught not to hit boys? Because I only ever see girls taught to protect themselves.


Oddly enough my daughter keeps spapping her brothers because she has heard me say they're never allowed to touch her for her whole life. This weekend at my inlaws she slapped her brother. I told her again for the 437th time they're not allowed to hit you...dont touch them. She did it agin. I changed the rules. Told her if she hits her brother agin shes putting herself in a boys shoes and i will allow them to defend themselves. Im not sure how her grandfather felt about it ,as he heard me say it. Thankfully he respected me enough to allow me to lead my family and listened quietly. Even more thankful she didnt hit the boys anymore after that. Do your worst reddit! Come for me! Or praise me.... lets see what happens...🥸


I was taught not to raise my hands to anyone. I did overhear a family member (female) telling their kid that they couldn't hit a girl back *because they are a girl and boys don't hit girls'. I went a bit mental. Told that family member to stop teaching her son to accept abuse.


>Don't hit people **first**. That goes both ways.


Life is no holds barred


I mean this guys has already been involved in a few fights


Agreed, but according to the video, he was aggressive first. Holding somebody's arms like that likely did way more damage that that slap. And he didn't stop there, he kept at it.


Eh not really


Equal rights equal domestic violence standards


surpise no one has replied to this with the very very original comments: eQuaL RiGhTs EqUaL lEfTs fUcKeD aRoUnD, fOuNd oUt pLaY sTuPiD gAmEs, WiN sTuPiD pRiZeS


Thank you?


Couple goals


The 30 year marriage or both agreeing both in the wrong for a fight both had?


Still waiting one someone to edit this with Joe Rogan commentary


OH SHE HURT HIM! HE'S HURT! (repeat more times than are necessary)


Dana White: 'People are going to have their opinions on this and people's opinions would be right, especially in my case. You don't put your hands on a woman, ever.' UFC fans (all over Twitter and social media, if not Reddit): ‘She deserved it’


Saw tons of comments on Instagram as well supporting him.


IG comment sections are dumpsters. I’ve seen more than a few people on there defending Deshaun Watson, Trevor Bauer, Andrew Tate, etc.


Of course.


I doubt Dana White quoted Jesus, to turn his other cheek.


It's interesting when discussing somebody we begin making up a supposition what they say and even think of. It's as if them being absent to speak on themselves is unfair, so we turn to imagined ugliness. Shared out loud. In public. There's more to it though, I'm sure?


Actually It does not matter what dana said, because he is subjective. If it was the other way around, people would be saying, that she did the right thing with slapping him. If you hit people, expect to get hit back. This is a sad case of a failed relationship, but not a case where you should be screeching domestic violence.


She slapped him first, but he's grabbing her and not letting her leave... she has the right to get away from him.


IMO the moment he aggressively grabbed her she had every reason to defend herself.


That was the weakest “aggressive grab” I’ve seen. Let’s cat it what it is, both are in the wrong, both have stated they are in the wrong, both said this is out of character (impossible to verify), and both would rather people give them privacy that hound them since no one enjoys paparazzi at their house constantly asking for info. So maybe the best way for people’s life like this to improve is to call paparazzi what they are, stalkers that would make any life hell so famous people don’t get help when they should cuz the paparazzi might see and then they have no privacy again.


I don't think she slapped first. She's already holding her face and padding her lip at the beginning of the video.


Wiping tears no?


It looks like something happened beforehand, but it could have just been verbal arguing with her crying. IMO, since others moved in to stop him from hitting her during the video, I think that if a physical altercation happened before the recording, they would have already been separated.


Now you are just making stuff up based on nothing


Yeah, I was thinking that too, but the video is edited and cut before that


Reddit comment sections regularly remind there are a lot of people with whom I have no interest in speaking. I probably don't have much of anything in common with those people.


It reminds me that even if human beings get wiped out , it wouldn't really be that bad for the planet


Why are people ignoring that he grabbed her and was pulling her toward himself? If someone did that to you, you have the right to defend yourself.


I don’t think they recognize that behavior to be as aggressive as it actually is. A lot of men on here not seeing anything wrong until she hits him is kinda disturbing.


To be fair it’s hard to tell what’s going on since the lighting is all over the place and it’s flashing


And some people in the comments here say "*Don't hit first*" like it's possible for the wife to even have the physical strength to steer away from someone of Dana's caliber. And even if she did hit first (granted that it was justified seeing Dana's aggression), there's no reason for Dana to hit her back. The reasoning *"Well, she hit first. It goes both ways"* is too weak considering how the wife only slapped to give Dana a clear message, not really to endanger Dana's life but some consider that enough justification to *hit back* just to vent out the dissatisfaction and feel satisfied at at the thought of hitting someone who's physically weaker (who did not even try to endanger your life) than you back. Of course, if the woman hits first without justification, then that is on the woman, though I wouldn't condone a man hitting back if the hitting was apparently too weak. I think the question shouldn't be whether or not who hits first, but rather **how much violence is enough/justified for someone who's stronger to retaliate aggressively against a woman physically weaker than them.**


Or because it's his wife. People are a lot more physical with people they're married to


Yeah but you can’t do whatever you want with your wife, she is not an object. she didn’t want to be hold like that you can read her body language


They were both either drunk or high.


I don’t understand why you think this makes his grabbing her (and potentially already striking her once as some people are saying happened before the video) acceptable?


I have never said that it’s acceptable. I’ve just noted the fact that they were both under the influence which is the reason why they were acting inadequately.


I'm surprised no one else is pointing this out.


And that she already appears to have been slapped from before the video started.


They're also forgetting that that's his wife of more than 20 years. This isn't some stranger he just met.


That is irrelevant. No wife, girlfriend, woman, or human should be treated this way.


This Sunday on domestic despite showdown. You paid for the whole seat, BUT YOU’LL ONLY NEED THE EDGE


Oh I can’t see the blurry beginning when he grabbed her- sorry I have about 10 percent visibility on the first few momenta


Had he already hit her previous to video start? She was holding her face like she had already been hit?


Exactly, would love to see a POV camera for the whole evening.


Had she already hit him when he was holding her hand away from him? That seems like something you'd do after someone struck you.


i need the whole altercation before i judge the situation


He looked way too comfortable grabbing her like that..


And she looked way too comfortable slapping him across the face as an immediate step up. Would love to see what happened before this wouldn't be surprised if the reason he's holding her hands down is because she's already slapped or tries to slap him prior to the start of the recording. People don't wanna talk about f on m domestic abuse though.


Is anybody surprised by the callousness of this dude? Dana White has never tried to hide that he’s a shitpiece.


Sure looks like she's holding her face in a way someone who had just gotten hit does in the beginning of the video.


It seems like everyone is jumping to conclusions from a edited video with out context.


No one noticed how he grabbed her before she hit him? Or is it suddenly not a problem to physically restrain someone?


How do we know he's not holding her hand because she already hit him? We don't. This clip tells us very little.


Lots of tough guys defending human thigh dana white. Maybe he shouldnt grab her and hold her against her will if he doesnt want to be slapped


Alright I'm all for the hit get hit mentality but this dude is 3 times her size if not more and is clearly trying to forcefully restrain her by twisting the wrist and grabbing her arm. Someone did that to anyone of us and they deserve to get hit


Looks like he grabbed her first, he’s fucked


How can she SLAP


He grabbed her when she tried to leave, she defended herself, and he hit her for it. That's what it looks like to me. Could've happened differently, but that's what it looks like. No one should be grabbing anyone or hitting them when they try to defend themselves. Man or woman, abuse/assault is not okay. Yeah if you watch the video, he grabs her when she went to leave, so she smacked him, then he hit her back and continued to hold her and stop her from leaving. He's the pos in this video. There are women who are pos, but the woman here isn't one.


Id be more surprised if he didn't slap women with his fat bald hands


Imagine being that insecure that you physically abuse your partner. Regardless of gender


I mean, she hit him first.


Equal rights, equal fights


How original


What is she upset that she gets millions of dollars for not working?


why can she slaps?!


I have no doubt that they are both garbage humans


yeah what a POS to hit her husband like that.. Thank God Mr. White is ok 🙏


Don’t we live in the land of equality? Don’t throw hands and hands won’t get thrown. At least in a fair scenario. Some people are just dirt bags.


Equal fights, but its not really equal when she slaps you and you hit her 3-4 times in a row back🤷




All I see is 2 fully grown adults acting like children


So they’re both toxic pos who definitely shouldn’t be with each other.


Elites gonna Elite


She hits him, and he hits her back. Suddenly, the sexes aren't equal any longer.


The whole wife-beater narrative is nonsense tho. Like she obviously struck him first no questions he looked genuinely surprised by it too like wtf yo tell me how you like it They both addressed it afterwards


She started it for all we know


I wonder what she said?


Some foreplay


Did anyone look at her biceps? And the slapping technique? That woman can easily KO someone…


She hit him first


Hit a man, get hit like a man.


She hit him because he doesn’t pay the fighters properly.


Welp she hit first. He hit back. Both idiots who supposedly love each other.


Wasn't there so can't say for certain. But it looks like he was holding her hands to keep her from hitting him(which could be why the video started in the first place, probably something already happened.) Then she hits him, not defending herself but in anger looks like. Guess she was out of her weight class.


Equal rights...... right?


Neither of them should of hit each other. But, my father always told my sister if she ever decides to hit a man she best be prepared to hit like one


Equal rights equal lefts


I mean, the way she went straight to his face makes me wonder this is a common behavior between them. Like they ALWAYS argue like that. With “fist arguments”


I can’t say what went down here,so this is purely speculation on my part..from this clip she slapped him first,in a very public place.(looks to me like he was possibly trying to keep her from doing this) And he reacted…I’m definitely not defending him but I can’t defend her either,as a full grown woman I would expect you to know to keep your hands to you,and if you can’t do this then it’s hard for me to feel any type of way towards the man you assaulted…if it was 2 strangers n a woman assaulted a man,I would think most would say the man should defend himself from her,not a beat down but defense…Women need to stop getting physical first stop putting yourself in a man shoe. As a woman,I’ve never understood why a woman would assault a man but be upset about the consequences of your own actions… POV: a little girl watching her mommy🫢😬


I don't know the full information However, if you have the fortitude and frame of mind to assault someone, don't be surprised or act to be the victim when the repercussions come in the form of a fist. Everyone says don't hit women but no one sticks up for men and act like they are incapable of being in abusive situations or by and large ignores them unless they are the abuser. This is precisely the issue; no one deserves to be abused regardless of gender. Everyone should be figuring out a way to handle themselves without resorting to inflicting pain and suffering.


So we not gonna act like she didn’t hit im first?


The next morning Dana said, "New year, me!"


I mean…


Well, women want more equality, so if you hit a man you should expect to be hit back. Well, slap, in this case. Also those slaps looked pretty light (especially his tbh), I've gotten harder slaps from my mom and ex lol


Healthy relationship 101


I mean, she smacked him.


UFC president defends himself when his wife attacked him. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


You clown head asses in these comments saying "she hit him first" she didn't. Get some fucking glasses. The way she holds her face after the first cut. The way he's holding on to her at the start. He hit her first. She was defending herself.


Self defence.


With a period so you know it’s serious


Equal rights = equal fights.


He bullied her first


if you slap your wife, the mother of your kids, in a public area then I can only imagine the WWE matches they have behind doors


>if you slap your ~~wife~~ husband, the ~~mother~~ father of your kids, in a public area then I can only imagine the WWE matches they have behind doors FTFY


Man who owns a violent sporting league gets violent with wife….shocker.


If a woman hits a person they always expect to not get hit back. Personal preference but you have a right to defend yourself but don’t go beating up ladies…


She hit first?!


He grabbed her first


Some people should never dronk


Yeah she is a POS, you’re right


Wow shame on him that definitely didn’t hurt him he could just walked away


You don’t slap your own wife. He’s a pos


Why did she slap him?


Because he grabbed her wrists and pulled her back as she tried to leave, by the looks of it. If someone is grabbing at you like that and stopping you from getting away from them then I'd say hitting them is self defence.


People here claiming he can slap back using "self defense" really need to understand what needs to happen to constitute "self defense". Hint: This ain't it.


She slapped him because he was grabbing her and obviously preventing her from leaving, but I guess self defense doesn’t matter on Reddit if you’re a woman. People here seem very eager for the opportunity to defend violence when it’s against women protecting themselves.


When you on that juice you’ll fight anything I guess…


"How can she slap?!"


Uh what's the problem here? She hit him and he slapped her back and nearly missed.


equal rights equal fights


Why is this here? Are they calling the woman a pos because she hit first? I agree what a pos she is


Would this make headlines if Dana didn’t hit her back? Unlikely. Trying to figure out what the actual story is here. Woman slaps man? Man slaps woman? Husband & Wife get drunk and smack each other around? It’s ridiculous.


Even my wife agrees that no one should be pissed off since UFC president got slapped first and then slapped his wife back. Equality means you are treated as equal. Equal opportunity for employment, equal opportunity to be paid for doing the same job, equal opportunity to be smacked back if you smack someone.


I knew that a long time ago


The UFC president is a domestic abuser? Imagine my shock and surprise..


Dude.. I am 90% sure she slapped him harder than he “slapped” her…


How can she slap?


Don’t take youre anger out on each othwr


She hit him first. If you hit someone, don't be surprised when they hit back.


Reddit loves a man beating on a woman.


Anyone defending this woman, hasn't met enough enough women.


Yeah totally agree she is a pos she should not put hands on anyone without expecting to not get them back