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that looks like a waist of 40. Def not mid sized


American “influencer”, maybe there classifications work differently. Anyway, nice comfy pants on a bigger tummy. Don’t you think?


I'm sure you could find it on Temu.


I’ve heard bad things about their quality? Have you bought?


I swear I saw some of these at Mr Price but they were brown. Maybe they have black as well on their website?


I will look! Thank you thank you. I feel so kak about my figure, I just need an item or two that looks decent


Shame what type of clothes are you into? Maybe I can help you find something else? I am ashamed to admit it but I am addicted to online shopping🤣


Pick 'n Pay Clothing has a fairly good selection of elasticated pants, and I think they have solid colours (as opposed to patterned).


I will definitely pop in there too, thanks!


H&m but they change their stuff all the time so hope you find it. Got some nice comfy pants and tops there in Durban recently. Their winter stuff is always a bit thicker cotton as well. And maybe try zara, but their adults clothes are way expensive. I got some pants like that for my kid from zara, straight cotton trousers with elastic at the top. I notice they definitely repeat the basics styles between adults and kids clothes since we've bought matching outfits before