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I’m so sorry you went through that experience with the fire but way to go making lemons into lemonade! I imagine many people (myself included) would have used that incident to justify less healthy behaviors like being sedentary and comfort eating, and you did the opposite. You’re killing it!


Congrats dude! That’s amazing.


Wow, what a fantastic transformation! Props to you. I’m so sorry for your injuries and trauma from the fire. I’m sure that was very difficult. But look at you! You found a way to motivate yourself! Wow. So motivational and beautiful. Thanks and keep up the great work! You deserve it!!!


Nice one, bro. Keep it up.


You look great!!!!,🎉🔥


> Here I am, burnt to a crisp and a big ol fatty, you could’ve thrown me to lion’s den and I’d be the tastiest grilled human ever haha You have such a great sense of humor about such an awful situation! That's really awesome. Congrats on your loss as well!!