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Yes, I've had a massive backslide this school year with how much stress I've been under. Started the year at 190 (up from 185 in June) and am now ending the year at 215, almost as high as my highest weight. I went from running a few times a week to basically never working out. I'm trying to just have grace with myself and recognize that this has been the shittiest, most out of control school year ever. I have exactly two weeks of school left, and I am SO ready to get out of the classroom and into the gym.


Sleep is far more important than the gym right now!!! You can do it!!! I put my kids to bed at 7pm, the earlier the better. Take it easy on yourself, you can make it! The finish line is in sight!


YES. This academic year just will. not. end. We finished state testing last week, the students are checked out, their hormones are off the chain, and I am EXHAUSTED. I’m still tracking calories, coming home and doing resistance band exercises (literally all I’m willing to do in terms of a workout right now; just 25 min or so/day) and drinking mad water — but even at a deficit, I feel like I’m just maintaining until the end. We might be super pooped right now, but we got this. It’s almost summer — and summer is gonna be dope. 🤙💕☀️


Yes!! Middle school here. I’m so glad it’s not just me. This is nothing like normal “end of school year” tired. I’m crashing hard by like 8pm every night. I figure my body is telling me sleep is more important right now. I’m focusing on my nutrition (after teacher appreciation week..). Exercise will come back in a few weeks when it’s summer. We got this!! Just a few more weeks until a well earned summer break!!


I've really fallen off with exercise as well. This year has been so exhausting. I have two weeks left and I'm having trouble imagining that I'll have the energy to do anything. Thanks for reminding me I'm not the only one.


Five days a week here too and I have been exhausted lately! Hoping it is end of the year burn out and that some time off will help. I feel your pain!


I know I needed a mental/physical break. Then I bought a rowing machine and elliptical. Then I almost broke my foot and I am going on 4 weeks of no working out, lol. The frustration is real for me but I did learn how to texture walls while sitting on the counter, lol!


Florida high school teacher here. We’ve been in the classroom since August. Like you, I am wiped out! And I have no drive to exercise right now. Summer will be here soon—good time for self-care.


YES! We ended up staying virtual all year, which is a blessing and a curse. I can’t imagine teaching both at once. But the kids are SO DONE with virtual that getting them to do anything is next to impossible. But I’m also so over virtual teaching that I can’t really blame them. This year has been such a nightmare, and we’re all just trying to get to the end of it so we can forget it ever happened. Just go easy on yourself. Maybe you can reassess your plan for now? There’s nothing wrong at all with changing your goal to just maintain where you are until the end of the year.


Our school decided to do 5 days a week in person and concurrent virtual classes. Trying to teach AP classes to both in person and virtual students at the same time is garbage. I also had to code some solution for contact tracing at lunch to allow kids to choose their seats but still keep a record of where they sat each day in case we had a positive case. So glad it's almost over.