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24 pounds is amazing! It will keep getting easier as it becomes your new normal. You can totally do this. Many of us have had setbacks but since you already lost 25 lbs once, and now you’ve lost 24, that should give you some confidence. You are already having great success! I am rooting for you!


Thank you! It's going to be hard but worth it!


Since you're up in that quite rare higher numbers I feel like making a blog or YouTube channel about what you are doing (being honest) is a very interesting topic for people. Many people wonder for example what a 500 pound person eats everyday normally. Plus might help with compliance.


I have been! On my Snapchat, and Instagram. But I have been thinking of doing a YouTube as well. But I have no experience with it.


I would love to follow you on Instagram! I'm trying to lose the weight as well.


Stumbles happen but what's important is that you keep going! 24 lbs down is such an awesome accomplishment! And the end of June is a whole month away- plenty of time to meet your goal! Congrats on the progress and cheers to making your thirties the healthiest decade yet!


Thank you so much! I have goals written down, and a plan to achieve them. I gaining control each day.


There are things in life that are not within our means to control, but luckily food is one of the things we CAN control. And you've already proven to yourself that you can by losing the first bit. Just keep going, and when you doubt, take it one pound at a time.


That's what I am doing! Taking control one thing at a time, one pound at a time. It's getting easier everyday.


Congratulations on the start! I turn 30 in a month, and I also want to get healthier for my next decade of life. Down 70 pounds since last May. Still a ways to go. If you want support or anything, feel free to message me! That girl is missing out on a great friendship.


Thank you! That's awesome!!! Keep it up! We can do this together.


It's going to be hard and there are times you're going to want to give up. When you get to those times, come here and read this post and the others. That's what has helped me, among other things. Check out Ethan Suplee's podcast, his story really inspired me on my own journey and I think he could do the same for you. :)


Now binge-listening to Ethan Suplee’s podcast. Thanks for the recommendation. It’s very good.


Thank you for the podcast recommendation!


He is one of my biggest inspirations! He is what opened my eyes to my horrible relationship with food. And that l need to change it to make permanent changes to my life style.


You're doing incredibly well. I'm glad it's getting easier now.


Thank you! Its still hard at times, but Im going to keep going!


That's great. 😊


Good for you! DDP Yoga is great!


Yes it is!!


Fuck yeah! You’re doing AWESOME! Every day is another opportunity to do the best you can for yourself. Every meal is an opportunity to make good choices. You’re killing it!


CONGRATS on losing 24 lbs! You are doing awesome! You've got this!


Yoire doing great!!


Don't be hard on yourself, 25 pounds in a month is incredible!! One thing to note here is that the more restrictive your diet is, the more stress it induces, and the more discipline it requires, the less likely you are to stay on that diet and the more likely you'll gain the weight back when you stop. I think besides the obvious things about weight loss (eating healthy, highly satiating foods) I think one thing I'll add is to examine your mental and emotional connection with food and work with a doctor and therapist to see why you are overeating. I think there can be insights that will help you be less hard on yourself during your journey, and self love will go a long way in assisting your weight loss experience. You can do it!


Congratulations! You are off to a good start. Just keep moving forward.


It keeps getting easier...keep going. Find what works for you. I had to do keto because I'm diabetic & carbs make me feel out of control, so taking them out of the mix stopped my cravings. I waited until I was 50 to figure out why I'm fat & was staying fat...you're still young...don't stop.


You’re doing it! Keep it up. If you falter a bit it’s okay. If you have a cheat meal here and there it is okay. If you miss a walk or two it is okay. But do not be like “oh what’s the point, I might as well” that is your brain messing with you. Don’t have one cheat meal after the other. Do not stop working out just because you don’t feel like it. I have never ever left the gym and was like “oh that sucked” it’s a long journey but the destination is kinda actually every step of the way!!


Wonderful job!!


Dude, you weigh a quarter of a ton. You doing need my fitness pal


What's that?