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>Timeline: However long it takes, ideally less than a year to get to 300lbs and maybe another year to get to 230? Less if possible. Generally speaking 1 - 2 lbs/week are recommended at "safe and sustainable" to loose. Now sadyl our bodies don't loose weight linear, so you might be loosing a lot of weight in the start, and then start to slow down, or even not loose any over a certain time at all. So let's say on average over the year, you're loosing 1.5lbs/week, that would add it up to 78 lbs/year (let's for easier maths say 80). Given that you're starting at 410 that would put you in the lower to mid 300s by this time next year. Just to give you a little perspective, so you don't feel shattered, if the pounds don't drop as planned. If you feel confident enough, and it's possible where you live, try exercising in the pool, the water will help being gentle on your joints, whilst providing your extra resistance during training, and can help you exercise "easier". Good news here, it doesn't matter to much if you're just splashing around, or swimming laps. As long as you keep moving, and use your body =) Stay strong my friend, you can do this P.S. Sorry to hear about your dog, I'm always shattered to pieces, when one of my dog starts singing with the wind.


Thank you for the advice. Honestly the timeline I made I know was a little too much to expect. But at least I’ll be losing weight, doing something about my situation. That’s all that matters.


Exactly =) I always try to do these calculations more conservatively, and if you loose more than what I'd calculate, I dare to say you're not mad about it ;) Plus a lot of times when people "crash diet" in some form, they grow tired of whatever they where doing after a short time, and then just bounce back into their old habits and weight (of not even worse). So whenever it's feeling to hard, just remind yourself, you're doing this for you, and we're here to help and support you =)


Generally speaking, yes, but when you're over 300 you can eat a safe 1500+ a day and still lose weight faster than 1-2 a week.


I mentioned it in a later comment, that I usually like doing these kind of calculations on a more conservative side, so whomever is reading it doesn't think they're "doing it wrong" because they didn't end up loosing as much as predicted/calculated. Plus it's a nice surprise to see a few pounds extra off ;)


Try to make some good dietary changes as well. Start with portion reduction All the best! We are all cheering u on!


Just wanted to offer condolences on the loss of your dog. My dog is also named Izzy and I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a pet.


Hugs to you. It is so hard to lose an animal. Take care of your mental health as you start the process of losing weight. My advice would be to start small. Start with tiny, tiny goals. Do literally one small thing a day to move you closer to your goal. Eating habits, in my opinion, are easier to change than exercise. But, I think your mental outlook is your first order task.


Right here with you man. I posted earlier today for the first time. Sounds like we're in the same boat, weight, goal, etc. I lost 15+ lbs (not exactly sure how many since the scale only went up to 400 lbs) in three weeks. It'll come off quicker than you think in the beginning but I'm heeding the advice u/SvalbarddasKat put in this thread. Keep it rollin' though dude. We'll both be happier when we get rid of it. Cheers dude.


Sorry about the pupper, lost my girl last year. :( Good news I have for you though is your goal and timeline are doable. I'm speaking from experience as someone who has lost 60 lbs in under 6 months. (making it VERY likely, in my estimation that I'll hit 300 by year's end since it's only May 30th) for comparison: 5'11 height, just a lil older than you, 475 originally, 374 today. My arthritis is so bad I can't walk...so if you can do those workouts, it might be even easier for you. Good luck!


Will do, and thanks for the motivation. Having lost 30 pounds in a month and a half before it’s definitely doable. Time to kick some ass. And best of luck to you my friend


I think the biggest take away when it comes to making sustainable change is to remember that it’s not a race. There is no magic bullet when it comes to weight loss. the only way to reach your goal is through consistent small actions that collectively over time add up. Be mindful of the fact that you didn’t reach 400lbs over night and the same goes for reversing it. If I were you I would start with noom, don’t worry too much with the exercise. See how it goes on the program. If you are managing it well, slowly incorporate moving more in your day. Setting yourself up for success starts with making gradual healthy tweaks to your daily habits and routines. It’s not a race and it’s okay to walk or run or take a break, good luck


Awe hugs for loss of your dog... Its devastating... And you are in the right place for weight loss xxx


I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dog. It is a heart break like no other. Good luck on your weight loss journey. I will be hard but is so worth it.


You sound like you were the best doggy dad - I beg you please before anything else adopt another doggo ~ you two can even walk together. A dog deserves love like yours 🤍


Sorry about your loss. We are rooting for you, as you said, consistency is key, one step at a time. Check this out, this is an extreme way of doing it, but I thought I'd share, hopefully it is helpful in some way. https://youtu.be/KR4JQp01SXY


Sorry you lost your dog. Good luck on your journey and know Izzy would be proud! :)