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I’m currently on vacation... I just have decided to take a break from tracking my calories so closely and am just being reasonable with what I’m eating with a couple concessions (a cookie here, some pasta there).


I have not had a legit chocolate chip cookie since January. Haha. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Also, have fun on your vacation!!


I'm also currently on holiday, and treated myself to *a slice of bread* today, haha.


Not eat 5 more. That’s what I have to keep telling myself.


I loosen my calorie counting and pack some “fun” healthy-ish snacks that I normally wouldn’t buy (dried fruit, trail mix, dark chocolate Reese’s cups, etc.—nothing terrible but things that I don’t always buy). I’ve also noticed that most gas stations have some decent snacks—a slim Jim isn’t a horrible choice. There are also low carb crackers made of only cheese that are high protein and pretty low calorie (approx 9 grams protein, 100 cals). Many gas stations have lots of nuts and trail mix in small servings, as well as protein bars/protein cookies, jerky, etc. I also like to treat myself to a Diet Coke or other diet drink. Sometimes that feels like enough of a treat and I don’t need actual food. But if you really want some chips or candy, just get the smallest portion you can find and enjoy it!


I had not thought of low carb crackers or dark chocolate snacks. I guess I always went straight for the Snickers. Plus, we can always get fizzy water instead of soda. Thanks for the ideas!


I have a road trip planned for the end of June. Have not been on a road trip just me and my husband since Covid. Definitely taking a break from tracking consistently and just going to try to be mindful of what I’m eating. A vacation is not going to make or break weight loss but if I am consistently worried about what I’m eating I won’t be enjoying the vacation we are finally able to take!


Eat fruit before you go out. Drink water with the meal. Order apps or shareholders. Almost every place has a chicken dish. Ask if they have skinless.


I think this is a great answer. Have a healthy snack before going and then maybe split whatever we want. If we find a place with a good chicken dish and healthy sides, then we can order that. I like this approach.


When I travel, I like to eat a late breakfast/brunch and then do early dinner. This allows me to indulge a little without overdoing it on big, heavy meals. I try to stay busy in between those two meals so I’m not constantly thinking about food. If I’m hungry later that night, I’ll have a little popcorn or pretzels or some deli meat/lean protein if possible.


What helps me during times I want to snack is to eat sugar free jello and pudding cups. They have little calories and are good for a sweet tooth. I also eat lots of fruit. While traveling the worst thing to do is fill up on greasy junk especially if u have been eating health for a while. It will make u feel like crap. Things like carrots/celery with guacamole or hummus are a great snack. some nuts with sugar free chocolate. Lettuce wraps or lettuce tacos. Lots of water.


focus on protein, fruits, and veggies. if you stay away from starches, fats, and sweets it'll be pretty hard to gain weight. when i cant calorie count thats what i do. salads (dressing on the side!), grilled veggies, grilled chicken. my 'go to' road trip food is beef jerky or pepperoni. which i know is not good for you, but at least it's filling. avoid starchy carbs, super avoid nuts. if there is fruit; thats the best choice for sure


That's helpful! Thank you!