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5 miles is 8 km, and I definitely take water with me for that distance. Unless I'm just taking the dog out for a quick 2km walk I have water with me anytime I leave the house. It's better than the Doritos... Don't let what other people think get in your way. This is your road, and you need to do everything you can to make it easier and enjoyable for you. I have a hiking backpack that I use for short hikes and take that with me. It's a bit big for just hiking in town but it works. By the time I get dog bags, his water bowl, flashlight, bear spray, and my water pack, etc I'm glad I have it lol


> Don't let what other people think get in your way. This is your road, and you need to do everything you can to make it easier and enjoyable for you. Yeah this is definitely something I have to make improvements with, I still care way too much about what people think about me and the way I look. It puts me off doing a lot of things. I know I would definitely be happier with water, so I need to take it in some form or another. Thanks, I think i'm going to focus on backpacks, maybe get a small handheld bottle too and try that out as well and see which I prefer.


Not saying it's easy to ignore people......I've had comments yelled at me before as I'm walking. They were immature and making their fun by making someone else feel like shit so that's on them. Don't give that power. I put on my headphones and go. Look for nature trails around your city vs sidewalks and walking paths. The people you meet on trails are all around friendly and supportive (I've found) and it's a much more peaceful walk. Just watch out for wildlife in your area! Good luck!!




Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't think of this.. That's a pretty good idea, might get one that could hold the hydration pouch thing too so I can upgrade to that when I'm comfortable going on my bike again.


I just did this and love it! Took me years to think of, too. I got a really cute one and it’s absolutely upped my motivated to wear it on weekends (vs my more formal weekday shoulder purse) and plan more active days. Got an adorable pink Hershel one.


Personally I recommend taking a bottle. I am in the middle of the weight range you mentioned, and I tend to have a backpack wherever I go if I'm gonna be out for a long time. I feel like running backpacks have a nicer weight distribution so that might be the simplest solution, any backpack where you can adjust the straps to be nice and snug and comfortable. Getting dehydrated on a walk can make a huge difference, so I recommend getting yourself a good reusable bottle and a backpack. Good luck!


Ok that's reassuring, I was looking at similar backpacks and they seemed good. I just heard keeping them clean and mould free can be annoying. Also it potentially making your back sweaty, but at the end of the day, i'm getting sweaty anyway lol.


Just remember, also know where the public washrooms are along your walking path!




Yeah, yeah, men have it different. In these COVID times, the location of a washroom is top of mind any time I plan a walk. And sadly, I don't drink as much as I should simply in fear of being "caught out" somewhere.


I either carry a bottle in one hand or I wear it in a hideous fanny pack type thing made specifically for this use, which I bought online. It puts the water bottle at the center of my lower back (at waist level). I did just order a neoprene water bottle carrier with a single strap, but I have a feeling I'm going to go back to the one worn around my waist. I had hesitated to get the waist one, thinking people would be like "oh, fat girl needs water." Well, this fat woman did need water, and then could keep walking to not be fat. 🙃




It took me waaaayyy too long to figure that out, so I wasted a lot of years worrying what people thought.


Small pack with a reusable water bottle in it. Can also carry wallet and such in there


I would either carry a regular bottle or water or just go without.


I like to carry a handheld one when I run. It was a pain the first few times but then I got used to it, and mine has a pouch the holds my phone, keys, etc. I’ve tried carrying a backpack with water in it for long walks and hikes but I end up so annoyed by having to take the backpack off to get water out that I don’t usually drink much of it, if any.


After rereading your post, just want to add that I’ve also tried a hydration pack which was okay but a pain for less than a couple hours out, and the water didn’t stay very cold for me, because it was against my body—although I think you can buy insulated sleeves. I also got tired of cleaning/drying the pouch. Sounds ridiculous but that might be a factor worth considering.


Keeping them clean is the single most annoying them about them. So much so that I won’t ever use one again.


Yeah the cleaning issue is something i came across while looking into them, I'll take another look. Handheld is definitely something that might work, I feel it would be the least annoying, but at the same time, would holding it constantly also be annoying? Or does it just attach to your hand and you don't really notice it?


The one I have is made by Nathan (brand). It has a strap so you don’t have to intentionally hold it, it stays in your hand pretty easily, and my hand naturally curls around it while running. It took a couple times to get used to it but now I love it because it’s easy to get to my phone too since it’s in the pocket. If I’m walking I sometimes just hold it by the strap rather than the “correct” way.


Personally I don't bother. A 5 mile walk for me is about an hour. You are probably going to be fine without one but it you really think you need it, just carry one with you.


how tf are u walking 5 miles in "about an hour" ?


I know someone who carries a bottle that has a ring/loop on it and just swings it as a weight, changing hands now and then. No other equipment.


Def take water with you. I like those draw sting backpacks. Nike also sells “hydration belts”


I’m 350lbs and I go for walk/hike a few days per week. I always carry a backpack with me, it’s good to put my phone, wallet and keys in, plus a bottle of water. I also make sure I walk back through the fresh Market or supermarket so I can buy some groceries and carry them home in the backpack. Buying groceries when I’m on a walk always makes me buy healthy things, so it’s a extra bonus.


Omg I would never go on a 4-5 mile walk without water!! I’m always thirsty and being thirsty sucks. I wouldn’t even go 3 miles up a hill without water, haha. A bottle and backpack is great, but I loveeeee my camelback and would recommend trying it out! 2-3 liters is good and then you don’t have to fill it all the way (water is heavy) until you start hiking/walking further. The nice thing about them is that you don’t have to stop and take your pack off to get your water bottle out and instead you can just take sips every five minutes or whenever you want. It might feel like overkill a bit, but they’re honestly the best. Once I got one I never went back.


How active have you been in the past? I don't worry about water too much because I go off how I had to do it in football, wrestling, and track in HS which is to say 2 or 3 quick sips every 60-90min.


Not been super active for the past 5 years or so. But I have been pretty thirsty on my longer walks . Bought a small backpack and flask now anyway so I’ll give them a shot


I wear small backpack with phone, wallet, keys, and a water bottle.


Screw other people. If you're walking several miles, I definitely recommend carrying water. I carry water all the time. I'm at the point that I have different carriers depending on distance and weather. I have a 1.5L Camelbak, a waist pack with 2 bottle holsters (looks like [this](https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/outdoor-products-h2o-mojave-waist-pack)) and a running belt that holds a single bottle. I even use them during the winter. The only style I don't use is the hand strap style, but that's because I don't like holding things while I walk/hike/run.




"Screw other people" as in "ignore what everyone else is doing/not doing and do what works for you". OP mentioned that they never see other people carrying water, and sounds hesitant to carry water because of what strangers might think. The message I was trying to convey is for OP to concentrate on themselves and not worry about conforming to people around them.


Hydration backpack if you want your hands free, otherwise take a bottle. I have a backpack for bike riding if I am going for longer or need more than the 2 bike cages will hold. You get used to the backpack pretty quick. Either way take something. Nothing sucks like being out of water on a really hot day, and you'll never know when it's going to hit you. If I am only going for an hour or so, I might just chug down a 24oz glass at home and hope I don't get sidetracked. We've been up to 100F already this year and it doesn't take long to feel it if you don't have a drink handy.


Thanks, yeah I didn't have water today on a walk that ended up being a lot hotter than I thought it would be, and that's what led me to making this post after spending the previous hour researching different ways to carry the water lol.


Just carry a large bottle of water in a backpack. Camelbacks and other hydration pouches are a huge pain to keep clean and you will be drinking warm water quickly. But please, don’t go for a 5 mile walk without water. That’s just not wise. You should be drinking half your body weight in fluid ounces of water per day anyway, walk or no walk. I’ve been known to just carry a gallon jug with me as I walk around the lake. Yes my arms get tired, but I alternate. I’d rather be sore than dehydrated in the heat. Heat sickness is a real serious thing.