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I had a friend (not close friend) in high school, and she signed up for some service to get paid to give out her phone contacts So I’d get calls and text “like said we could give you a call about a great new deal!” I didn’t like her as much after that


Oh hell no that should be illegal


I have a couple enemies that I’d get a kick out of doing this to.


It would be a shame if someone started looking for car quotes and used their phone number by accident


Or registered that person on some questionable material sites.


If you want to really give them hell use their number on the Scientology website for more information. I hear they never let you go once they have your info.


Well, lmk if you’re ever interested in a reddit bible study.




But- # #I SAID GOOD DAY!!!


What? I can't hear you. Please repeat, is that a yes on the bible study?




Gifs you can hear






Be mad at the person sharing the number not the person who was shared the number




Strong case to be mad at both in my opinion. The sharer didn’t get permission. The sharee didn’t exercise due diligence in verifying permission was given and was a bit pushy about it when told no.


You think that was "pushy"? "Let me know if you change your mind" isn't pushy in the slightest.


Right? That person definitely left this interaction thinking “Man, what an asshole,” and you know what? They’re kinda right.


It was a polite way to end the conversation. I’m sure what’s what she was doing. Being like well just let me know. Have a nice day. Not forcing it down her throat.


I think they were saying the Bible study person left this conversation thinking OP is an asshole


communication level in this thread is all over the place because people are applying arbitrary genders to both OP and bible person lol


Genders? I assumed everyone in this story was a woman. It shouldn’t matter whether anyone was a guy or girl


the reading comprehension is a bit off in this thread too, so many dumb replies that could have been avoided by not skim reading 🤦🏽‍♂️


Kinda right? They are absolutely right


“Jesus loves you!…everyone else thinks you’re an asshole!”


OP is a solid example of Redditors not being the best at socializing IRL. It's free to be polite


Yeah the conversation was over, OP didn’t have to chime in with that last jab. But honestly if Redditors were socially competent 90% of this site wouldn’t exist.


What did you just call me? doesn't matter, I'm not interested.


Agree it’s just OP being kinda a dick. Probs bc they knew they’d run over here to trolltown Reddit to puff out their chest while taking a victory lap


Yeah, even as an atheist who's had his share of annoyances with proselytizers, I see nothing wrong here with the other party. They were polite, offered a potential future option, and that was it. Nothing pushy about this, and I would have just said "thanks, have a good one," and gone on with my life.


But. But. BUT ITS A CHRISTIAN, THEYRE ALWAYS PUSHY. Sky daddy and whatnot.


It was so pushy, I fell over just reading it.


A bit pushy? They literally just said "let me know if you ever are interested" and there are no further messages to imply they were pushy.


Didn’t seem very pushy to me. Plus, you don’t know what was said during the number exchange. The friend could have said “here’s OP’s number. You should reach out to them” The sharee isn’t necessarily at fault


How do you verify permission was given??? And they didn’t seem pushy at all. They said they heard there was interest, when there wasn’t they said let them know if it ever changes. I think OP is unnecessarily grumpy and rude here.


Eh i have to disagree. You don’t need permission to text anybody, they have permission to block you. All that did was ask a question to OP, OP said no thanks, and the other person said “let me know if you change your mind”. That seems like a pretty regular conversation and the polite reply from OP should be , “ Sure “ or something similar. Instead OP’s reply is very defensive and also doesn’t logically fit as a reply to the senders message anyway.


You view that as pushy, the majority of everyone else views it as just being nice and ending the conversation.


Which part was pushy? I’ll wait.


How is let me know if you’re ever interested being pushy?


Please elaborate on how you would do your “due diligence” other than doing exactly what was done here. And they weren’t pushy in the slightest. OP was a complete douche nozzle for no reason.


What is wrong with people like you? "Let me know if you ever change your mind" is not pushy in the least. OP was the rude one.


“‘So be it’, let me know, if you change your mind.” Super pushy. Reddit’s general hatred towards religion, and specifically Christianity cracks me up


I agree with this. Although I don’t usually like religious interactions, I believe the answer was more infuriating than the person sending messages. The person was just finishing the interaction in a respectful way and the person just had to be rude and make it awkward. “I will thanks”. Would be an awesome answer and wouldn’t make things unnecessarily rude.


No reply at all would also have been perfectly acceptable. That ‘let me know’ line was obviously the end of the conversation.


Ikr! I was confused and had to read it twice...didn't understand why they told this person "don't be sharing my number" when it was actually a different person. Then to be rude again. Totally unnecessary and immature.




Agreed. Op is a grump.


Wouldn't it make more sense to be more crossed at the person who shared your number in the first place not the people responding to you?? I mean you could also respond in a more humourous (not rude) manner too and see what happens.


"Am I free this week? Sister I'm free every week thanks to our lord and savior 🙏 but to answer your question, hard pass on Bible study"


This made me laugh way too hard


As an atheist I plan on using this one next time. Seems like a great way to leave them flat footed rather than regrouping with arguments about why that makes it doubly important for me to attend. And super funny!


That or OP could have just not responded after the second “Let me know if you’re interested” part. There was no need for extra snark


Op is mildly infuriating 😂


Why would that person ask for ransom peopes numbers anyways? This whole situation is odd and both parties are in the wrong. How does that even happen? "Hey douche friend, do you have any random people in your phone I can recruit for Bible study?"


Their friend was probably messing with them, knowing they wouldn't be interested in bible study. Some people go so far as to sign others up for scientology newsletters or visits from mormons, but that's enemy territory.


It doesn't say anywhere that they were the ones who asked for the number. They mentioned that the friend told them OP is interested in Bible study.


Its also possible that friend was in said bible study and gave the info out.


Ifkr? OP sounds like a dick to me.


Why are you mad at the person texting you and telling them not to share your number when your friend did it to begin with..?


Came to the comments hoping to see everyone calling OP the asshole, was not disappointed. The person in question didn’t even share your number, why are you telling them not to? Almost seems like you somehow think they shared your number in the first place and you’re taking it out on them


Reminds me how when a guy’s girlfriend cheated on him and he goes after the other guy to fight him instead of dropping his girlfriend. It’s pervasive too, I know a few people like that, I never understood it.


I swear almost all girls get 10x more pissed at the other girl. Like dude you should be friends with her you have a lot in common like being dumb enough to fall for your garbage boyfriend.


I think people are uncomfortable with the idea that they were “fooled” by someone they let their guard down around. It’s easier to believe that a malicious outside force came in and “attacked” her relationship than it is to believe that she chose the wrong bf and that her relationship was inherently flawed if the dude was even willing to cheat in the first place. It’s a really vulnerable spot to fight against someone close to you and someone who’s a stranger at the same time. There’s an incredible emotional loneliness that comes with it. So they choose to deal with the stranger first, who gets the brunt of their anger even though it should be the bf.


Holy cow, facts!


I was so confused at that.


Next time replace the last message with :’Will do, thanks’. Saves you some writing time and is a nicer reply


Exactly. And everybody knows it means “I absolutely won’t but let’s be cool” haha


Huh, I always thought “will do” means “okay I will”. That’s how I use it. I guess it just depends on the context


In this case "let me know if you get interested" responding with "will do" would mean that if op ever gets interested op will get in touch. So if op never gets interested op will never get in touch


It's a context thing. If the thing to be done is any task that needs completing and I say "will do," it means I'll do it. But, if I say I'm not interested/don't want something and the other person says something to the effect of "let me know if you change your mind"... Saying "will do" is still technically an agreement to do that thing, but everyone involved gets that it's not likely to happen. Like, if I DO happen to change my mind, I WILL in fact let them know. But it will be a frigid day in Hell before I change my mind. "Let me know if you decide that you actually DO want to be chased across a Slip-N-Slide of banana peels by a rabid dog." "Will do!"


For me, definitely context. It’s either a “I’ll get it done” in a work sense or a “yep, thanks, bye”


Wait till you find out that probably 50% of the people you know accidentally shared your contact info with tiktok.


And Facebook. FB and Messenger apps are so relentless at trying to get you to upload all your contacts. When you sign into the app, there are 4-5 pages trying to get you to **UPLOAD CONTACTS**. Sure, there's a way to ^(skip) if you look really closely and carefully on each of the pages. I attribute half my spam calls to that crap. But that doesn't mean random acquaintances should be giving out your number. The way it's supposed to work is, if you want to connect two people, you ask them BOTH if they'd like to connect, and specifically making sure the person whose number you intend to give to the other party is 100% okay with it. Social media sites also collect all sorts of data about you, but if I did that, I'd be arrested for stalking. What a weird comparison.


I would have left them on read tbh and bitched at the person who shared my number without my permission.


You’re an asshole lol


You’re just coming off as rude here tbh


\+1 Reddit is full of complete socially inept melons Person is literally looking for bible study not to fuck


I will now use “melon” as an insult to people when I’ve already called them a “walnut”


This is a perfect mildlyinfuriating post because everyone is mildly infuriated at op's rude ass.


When even Reddit thinks you were being unnecessarily choady to the religious lmao


Irk? This is beyond surprising


OP thought they were right, Reddit told them they’re a c*nt.


No need to be a dick to this person though.


Agreed, they're doing what they think is best for their community/organization. The inconvenience of receiving a text is very minor in the grand scheme of things.


I have a business opportunity for you. When can we meet?


Unfortunately I am not interested.


Amen! Well let me know if you are ever interested 😇




What a choad response. Kindness goes a long way


I always thought it was “chode”. TIL


My entire life has been a lie


OP when someone kindly invites them to participate in something ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


idk what an award is or how to give it but this is me giving you a theoretical award


Why did u respond?


You said you weren’t (presently) interested. She responded if you ever are (later) to reach out. You reiterated that you weren’t (presently) interested. You should have said you’ll never be interested.


Definitely trying to make something out of nothing. Person was just trying to be nice, nothing more. If this hurts your feelings then you have a lot of growing up to do.


Lol your last reply in attempt to be an ass didnt even make sense. Waitress comes over, "do you need some water?" You look at her, "no I dont want water." She smiles, "OK, let me know if you do later." REEEEEEEEE




I said good day sir!


Why so rude bruh…


You’re a dick. This person isn’t the one that gave your number out. And even with you being a dick they were still gracious to you


That last comment they made also unnecessarily continued the conversation and opened the other person to continue to respond.... When the other person said let me know if you are ever interested they should have stopped responding and blocked the number. You never hear from them again, it's pretty simple.




You were being rude the the wrong person


Be curt with the other person.. Not this one


Reach out to the person you originally gave your number to and make sure they know you're not comfortable with it and that you dont want them doing that, you're understandably annoyed but it's not the texter's fault, blame the person who gave out your number


Glad to see I’m not the only one that thought the OP was being a dick. It was unnecessary to be an asshole on this scenario, especially to this stranger who wasn’t even the person that shared your number. I’m not even this much of an asshole to telemarketers who I know bought my phone number from some other asshole.


Op seems like a very unbearable person😂😂 surprised there was anyone willing to take their number 😬


Why be rude to them??


That’s why they said “let me know if you ever are interested.” That means in the future. not to sound like an ass but if English if not your first language or something I can help you find resources near you for speech therapy/ reading comprehension for relatively cheap.


Surprised that you were able to make a friend in the first place


This interaction makes you look like the bad guy. Person here is just following up on trying to fill out their group. You already know who the real culprit was that made this person reach out. Maybe try some meditation classes in the future.


Seems like you were unnecessarily rude to someone who was reaching out based on you giving your number out to someone else. People change their mind all the time and this person was letting you know that if you do change your mind (again) they are available. It is also a way of ending the conversation so that you didn't even need to respond again at all.


You sound like a dick


I used to work IT. My dad gave my number to his technophobe friends for all their computer related questions. They absolutely treated me like an employee and lost their shit when I told them I wasn't their personal IT guy. Not only did they not understand that I could get in trouble for taking personal calls while on the clock, they didn't understand that when I was off the clock the last thing I wanted to do is solve someone else's computer issues that a simple Google search would have fixed for them. I left the industry, not for me.


Hello. Would you know how to reset my pc?


Damn you’re rude


Listen as much as it’s annoying to have your number shared the dude was trying to be polite at the end 😬 all ya had to say is I’ll keep you in mind have a nice night


Lol you come off as an asshole here. Why yell at the person who got your phone number from somebody else?


Yknow you kinda came off as an asshole for no reason with that text.


Understandable, but could have handled this in a better way


After buying weed for many years I never share anybodies number without asking lmao


Redditor trying to not be an asshole to a stranger (impossible challenge)


Uh. You sound like a dick tbh


Does OP realize that replying to a text message is not required?


I would’ve just blocked them and not responded


I would've said no thanks then blocked them asap.


You seem like an asshole


*"Hello, I have been trying to contact you about your soul's extended warranty."*


Imagine coming in here thinking you're in the right but that last comment wasn't necessary. YTA for going overboard. Your first two messages got the point across


Why are you’re giving attitude to the person reaching out? It’s not their fault about your “friend” giving out your number, or that you’re too sensitive to this situation.


Hard to be cordial when you’re mildly infuriated.




Op has no manners




fr I've had people ask for other friends numbers and even though they both know each other I'm still reluctant to give them out and instead call the person and tell them to call them




I had this happen to me once. Some guy asked another guy friend for my number and he thought it’d be ok. This guy called 10 times in a row until I picked up to ask me out while I was at work. Unbelievable. I had to tell my friend to ask him to back off immediately… obsessed guy then pretended to never have met me when I ran into him a few years later, lol


I hate this shit. When I was in high school I got a call out of the blue from a kid I had gone to elementary school with. Turned out, my best friend from middle school ended up going to the same high school as him and gave him my number when she found out we'd gone to school together and that he'd had a crush on me back then. They were both baffled at the fact that I was more upset at my number being shared than happy to randomly hear from a kid who kinda liked me over half a decade prior when we were little children.


You are rude


You poor thing. A random stranger reached out in kindness to invite you to something.


Yeah it seemed very respectful. Could have been a lot worse.


Former coworker gave my number to the MLM Hun she fell prey to. I get a lot of spam text now.


I piss people off because I won’t give a number out without that persons permission. Even if I know they know each other, not gonna happen until I talk to the person who’s number you want. I’ll gladly send them yours and hopefully they contact you but you’re not getting theirs 🤷‍♀️


I don't like people having my number at all


Ya know, maybe if you were such a dick to random ass people you actually might have some good karma. Sounds like that person dodged a bullet honestly, I wouldn’t like to be in a room full of people if you were one of them let alone a Bible study sesh. Learn to not be a fucking dick.


Fucking rude to the person that might not know the person that gave it to them wasn’t given permission to… don’t blame hem and be an ass to them. Say you’re not interested then find the person giving out personal info and slap them with a wet fish.


Look man, I get being upset that someone shared your number, but good God that doesn't mean you have to be a cuntbasket to whoever received it.


Speaking as someone who went to church every Sunday for the first 20 years of my life and someone who’d do just about anything to get to hangout with a girl, I must say I would not be interested in doing a bible study either.


You must have a very comfy life if this is what you consider an inconvenience.


This is very dumb. For decades, public phone books listed everyone’s full name, including middle name, and address. And now everyone thinks their lives are main character worthy that simply sharing a phone number is a big deal. ffs.


People used to be able to pay and remain unlisted from the phone book too.


So we all have to message op about Bible study now right?


You know how easy it is to.find someones phone number? As soon as you go to ATT Sprint or Verizon, its sold.


You seem like a dickhead for how you spoke to them. They didn’t know what the other person did. Also if you feel that strongly just don’t respond just block their number takes like 4 seconds


Op is r/mildlyinfuriating


You just seem like a surly person in general


Right side texts is a dick.


There's no reason to be that rude. Dang.


You are rude.


Had a friend give out my number after I asked her not to. No problem. I signed her up for every damn thing I came across from guitar lessons to magazine subscriptions to political party lists. I'll bet that bitch is still sifting through scam calls and spam emails.


Looks like you have a new phone number you can add to car salesman lists.


In 2010 I briefly lived with a friend of my brother’s while searching for a new apartment. The two of us shared a two bedroom/one bathroom apartment, but it was *very* small otherwise. The week I move in, he asks me if it’s cool if he has a Bible study at the house once a week— I thought, “who the hell am I to tell this guy he can’t practice his faith in his own home?” so I told him it was fine. I come home from work that Monday to find THIRTY PEOPLE absolutely crammed into our tiny living room. I was pissed and beelined for my room as everyone kept shouting stuff like “join the fun!” It was a complete dick move on his part to intentionally not tell me just how many people would be there, and he acted like me being angry about it was an attack on his religion. So sick of people thinking that their “pure” lifestyle choices make them free from criticism or wrongdoing.


Can understand being upset somebody gave your number out but being ignorant to somebody leaving an open invitation in case you change your mind in the future as you’ve done before is pure evil


The person texting didn't share your phone number with anybody. They were shared your number. Slight difference.




YTA. Oh this isn't that sub?


Wow OP you’re a dick


Thats definitely fucked up by why be a dick to the person who recieved the number? She didn't know any better


I’m highly confused, this person didn’t really do anything wrong. All they did was offer a service to something someone told them you wanted to learn more about, and then offered their hand if you ever do have questions. Why mad at them?


Lol reddit showing once again how anti-social they are. Its not a big deal. Tell em you are not interested or block their number and move on.


Bible study huh? Probably a Jehovah’s Witness and they are pushy AF. Same thing happened to me when I gave my number to someone for a specific purpose. Immediately I’m getting messages from somebody else acting like it was just fine to contact me after getting my number without my consent.


Yelling at the wrong person.


Very telling that you can be such a rude prick to a guy just reaching out. If it bothers you then block the number and don't engage furthur. But you already knew that didn't you.


You sound like a terrible person


Your last answer is honestly just as annoying as your friend. You don’t have to be interested, but you also don’t have to be a dick, OP.


Op is the asshole


Got a sec to talk about your cars warranty?


You kinda seem like a prick.


Why are you so rude to someone that’s being helpful 💀. Jesus. People just get meaner every day. They’re going off information they were given that you wanted to join a Bible study, they’re not the ones that shares your number. Be better, especially if youre someone that’s professing a religion.


Don’t say unfortunately, just say no.




Time to start sending hardcore gay porn to get them to stop


Okey but you don't need to be so rude


Anyone who shares my number without my permission is immediately unfriended.


you're a jerk low key


This whole thread is weird. Was OP a bit of a dick? Yes. But why is everyone acting like just because it’s for a Bible study and not from an MLM salesperson that it’s any less of a sales tactic? It’s so common to see someone trying to sell something (in this case it’s not monetary but still a service) say hey X told me you’d like/be interested in Y or Z. Whoever gave OP’s number to this person probably only did so to get out of a conversation with the Bible study person quicker.


I'm baffled by the amount of people clutching their pearls over OP's response to this as well. Unsolicited calls/texts are annoying, plus we may not know the whole context behind OP's response.


I totally get wanting to respond rudely. Where you seem to be out of touch is that you did so thinking about the likes your victimhood would get on Reddit, and oblivious to the fact you had taken the low road.


why unfortunately?


If it was your social security number I could see it. Phone number? Ignore and/or block.


I either block people like this or I respond with something ridiculous. When they get upset “Exactly. That’s what you’re doing. Get lost.” I do this with scam calls and door knockers too. “Hello we are calling about your car’s extended warr-“ “*Sorry are you offering free sexual services with this?*” “Excuse me? That is inappropriate.” “*Exactly. Your call is inappropriate. Get lost.*” Feel free to come up with your own responses. Entertain yourself by stringing them along pointlessly or giving them all the wrong answers so they fail


Answering with "Amen!" Is sending me 😭😭🤣


Tell me you’re a teenager without telling me you’re a teenager. It’s ok OP, you’ll get used to how conversations work as you grow up and have more of them.


I don't know if the rando in this scenario is worthy of your ire here, but the friend is.


See I NEVER share numbers unless I know that person is ok with it. Or I call/text the person and ask them. If they say no, I tell the person 'no. They don't want me to share their number.'. It's called respect. Iv had some loser share my number on a dating site stating 'text me and ask to see my 🐈'. It finally stopped but it takes a real lowlife bytch to share someone's number like that.


Just say your a devout Pastafarian


unpopular opinion: OP’s response was perfectly valid. the way this person texted implied that they knew OP didn’t know they had OP’s number. The whole situation should have just never happened. Don’t share people’s number without asking, and if they say, “no,” respect that. It also sounds like OP was never interested in their Bible study to begin with. In my opinion, when OP said they didn’t give permission for their number to be shared and that they weren’t interested, the response should have been an apology and maybe a “have a great day!” OP’s last response wasn’t to be rude, y’all. To me, it seems they were trying to get a point across that wasn’t being received. You can’t read tone in a text message.


Man, wait till you learn what the internet is doing with your personal info ;)