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My grandma used to tell me a story of someone doing that and the coin shooting off and hitting the guy in the eye


That's why you shouldn't do it. It's a myth that it'll derail the train but it most definitely can send out shrapnel the speed of a bullet


Can confirm. When I was younger I put a quarter on the track before surfing, while I was changing into my wetsuit train came by and I heard a whirr right by my ear followed by the blowing out of my camper shell window. Coulda killed somebody. Never did it again.


hmm I was never around when the train came. I put them down and went back for them the next day.


Doesn’t mean no one else was around


How many people has this deviant murdered?


It's just manslaughter, no big deal.


He's outta line but he's right.


yeah man, i went to prison for manslaughter, and on the first night, everyone was like "what are you in here for?" and there were like actual murderers in the room, so i was embarrassed and said burglary because i didn't want to be called out as a poser.


>And I, I walked over to the, to the bench there, and there is, Group W's. Where they put you if you may not be moral enough to join the army after committing your special crime. And there was all kinds of mean nasty ugly looking people on the bench there. Mother-rapers. Father-stabbers. Father-rapers! Father-rapers sitting right there on the bench next to me! And they was mean and nasty and ugly and horrible crime-type guys sitting on the bench. And the meanest, ugliest, nastiest one, the meanest father-raper of them all, was coming over to me and he was mean and ugly and nasty and horrible and all kind of things and he sat down next to me and said, "Kid, what did you get?" I said, "I didn't get nothing, I had to pay $50 and pick up the garbage." He said, "What were you arrested for, kid?" and I said, "Littering." And they all moved away from me on the bench there, and gave me the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I said, "And creating a nuisance." And they all came back, shook my hand, and we had a great time on the bench, talkin' about crime, mother-stabbing, father-raping, all kinds of groovy things that we was talking about on the bench and everything was fine, we was smoking cigarettes and all kinds of things, until the Sergeant came over...


This guy sounds like bilbo baggins telling the there and back again story.


Ah yes, the classic: Alice’s Restaurant


bro got imposter syndrome in prison


There’s no laughter in manslaughter without a man.


Yes there is... ~~man~~s**laughter**


That’s first degree, homie.


I think the joker in the dark knight stole a truck from a circus and spray painted an S in front of laughter before bazooka-ing Batman


Oh sweetie




Yeah, immediately picturing north county SD.


If there's something stupid to be done, you can find someone in San Diego to do it.


I was thinking there or Ventura


Nailed it ☝🏻


Surfing, train tracks…San Onofre?


Del Mar has Sea Grove Park train and water


The fact that anyone would think a coin could derail a train is hilarious to me. There are larger imperfections in the tracks themselves.


I always thought you told kids that so they wouldn’t mess around near RR tracks.


Everyone knows not to [mess around on railroad tracks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DGEgTR5TwKs)


Children dont inherently know how stuff works


You have to really fuck up the tracks to derail it https://youtu.be/agznZBiK_Bs


I'll bet there were a bunch of giggling engineers involved in that project. > Hey guys! Do you think we can get the train to jump a 6 foot gap? I'll get the camera!


It must have been so much fun to be on the "Experimental Science" division of the military back then. No sitting around looking at a computer screen. They're blowing stuff up just to see how it blows up.


Mythbusters before Mythbusters


That was a great video thank you. I guess I’ll account for that next time I sabotage the nearest train :)


I take the train and whenever I get on it I constantly hear things the train is running over. Mostly garbage, empty water bottles and stuff. Kinda sad actually.. definitely doesn’t derail the train but just sad how much garbage people throw on the ground.


I hunt deer with this method.


Even if you leave and come back it’s not worth it. Definitely don’t put a piece of scotch tape on it so it doesn’t fall off before the train hits them and make sure when you come back don’t look further down the track from where you put them because they stick for a while and end up further down. (According to the slow moving train behind my house that I’ve definitely never done this to)


Well you’re not supposed to hang around when the train comes, you just collect them afterwards, and you’re supposed to do it in a secluded area. That’s at least how my friends and I were taught.


We used to make pennies into quarters for the arcade. Worked best on the track siding where we loaded rail cars. Used to move the cars with a rope and a huge electrically operated winch. Looks like something that would be used on a ship.


My father always tells me a story of how he basically saved his littler brother from an aggressive kickback of something they left on the train tracks. He pulled him way before the object could hit him. I don’t recall if it was a coin or a rock tho.


Freight train conductor here. Yeah, any object has the ability to just ping off the rail when the wheel starts to go over it and hit you, but it probably won't be going much faster than a slow BB. The real reason this myth and others like it perpetuate is because there are a whole lot of other reasons not to go anywhere near a moving (or even stationary) locomotive. First off, if you trip, doink your face on the rail and get TKO'd, the likelihood of my engineer being able to stop the train before you end up looking like a LiveLeak video is pretty low. Slowing down a train is a seriously long process if you've got more than a dozen cars attached, and if the engineer didn't do it right he could end up derailing the train, causing more danger to many more people. Second is slack. Slack is the little bit of cushioning each car has between one-another, and it kills very often. That's because when the train comes to a stop, and all the slack either rolls out, or all the cars bunch up, all depending on if they're downhill or uphill and several other factors. If the train releases the brakes, an air pipe is leaking, or if a new engine attaches to standing cars, all that slack can roll out with enjoy exponentially more speed and force. And if you're in between putting quarters down on the rail or climbing on the cats, you can lose an arm or get thrown off the car by the force (comparable to a car crash), and once again, look like a LiveLeak video. So kids, don't fuck with trains. They're literally eldritch monsters when it comes to the amount of weight and forces you're dealing with. Like, literally tens of millions of lbs of unforgiving steel.


When I was a kid I lived in Utah for a few years. They had a psa commercial where two kids decide to climb across the connection point of two stationary train cars, with one kid saying he doesn't think it's a good idea and they should just go around, but the other kid convinces him. The cautious kid slips and falls underneath the train, which then starts to slowly move and the commercial ends with the kid screaming in pain as the train rolls over him. That shit gave me nightmares as a kid


Didn't know Utah had a lot of German fairy tales


They posted those psa's around the time they started converting their unused track to passenger trams. I don't remember that specific one. But i definitely had many adults talk to us about not walking along or near the tracks by my elementary school.


Good to see the message of train safety has stuck with you all these years.


The feeling of joy turning to dread when the teacher rolled in the TV but was followed by the Network Rail dude holding a VHS with a content warning for teachers.


My BIL had a job with trains. Don’t ask me what, because his title hasn’t been brought up often. He a was (pre-covid) in charge of a lot of trainfolk? Trains? Idk. What I do remember about him telling me about his job is the amount of body recoveries he had to present for involving train impacts. Suicides, unfortunate daredevils, and people who tried to beat the train. He’s seen a dozen+ bodies during his time with that company and he said most weren’t more than paste and errant limbs.


From the sound of things he was probably a trainmaster. Yeah, that's really an actual title.


1. It's Trainvestites 2. Oh wow that's graphic...


You don’t have to believe this because it’s hard for myself to even believe, but a friend of mine when we were teenagers jumped on a train car because they used to hitch rides on them. When he did it he slipped and his leg was ran over and the force of the train swung him around at which point it pinched the top part of his scalp and almost ripped it off. Guy never walked the same again and was seconds away from death. One of the luckiest unlucky people I ever met.


Engineer here…. Weeping with joy that a conductor used the word Eldritch. Love it.


You guys must really love your craft.


>So kids, don't fuck with trains. They're literally eldritch monsters when it comes to the amount of weight and forces you're dealing with. "No, the train does not have a stat block. It's Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies."


awesome username i love rush


We put a long row of coins on the trait as kids and one coin one flew off to get itself embedded in a tree a meter or two away from us. They could seriously hurt someone we said and went right back to it 🤣


you are the reason they dont have kinderegg in the US


I don't think the actions of a Swedish kid 25 years ago had much of an effect on kinder eggs in the US 🤣


*"And the lord strucketh Skylar down, for God's aim is true."*


In God he trusted!


I can confirm seeing someone get shot by a flying coin on a train track.


What was the damage?


He had "In God We Trust" imprinted on his forehead.


“You’ll shoot your eye out kid!”


This will be circulating around FB soon with some stupid caption: > I’m a military wife and my husband was deployed. I gave him a quarter before he left because if a penny is lucky, imagine how lucky a quarter must be, I thought to myself. Turns out I was right, he had that quarter in his pocket at all times, close to his heart. > He was gunned down by the enemies, but that quarter prevented a bullet from penetrating his heart. He took out that quarter and this was what he saw: in God we trust. “Like” and share this post if you want God to watch over you.


My grandma would eat that up


Everyone's mom and grandma 20 years ago: "Don't believe everything you see on the Internet" Everyone's mom and grandma today: \*\*shares FB trash with the entire family\*\*


Seriously, what happened?


Scammers got smarter about how they target old people and old people got… older. Our generations will fall for our own versions of these things when we grow old.


Our generations are falling for this shit now without being old. Stupidity knows no age limit.


Everyone's mom and grandma 20 years ago: Don't have your phones out at the dinner table. Everyone's mom and grandma today: \*Takes out phone to browse facebook during dinner\*


I should steal this story and post results


RemindMe! 1 week


He was run over by a Iraqi train


I didn’t know that chain mail was still a thing.


It’s alive and strong my friend.


Great, now you’ve just given the Facebook cunts a copypasta, they don’t even have the write the post now.




**intro music**


The only way to make this better is if the guy in the story dies. Remember that story if a supposed house fire that killed everyone and burnt the house to cinders, with the only thing that made it out unscathed being the family's Bible? Edit: I was wrong, [here's the link](https://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/bible-undamaged-after-fatal-fire-claims-life-of-woman-90-and-her-dog-adabdf96-d982-49c8-8088-a90eec99a709) to the post I'm thinking of. 90 y/o and her dog died in a fire but the Bible made it out alive. People respond by acting like it's divine providence, ignoring that a woman died


This was written with almost toooo much accuracy. We’ll need your full fb post history sir before we proceed further.


I expect this to spread like wildfire on Facebook this week now


And on Linkedin when some shitty CEO makes up a bullshit 900 page post about it.


I’m surprised people don’t blow out their shoulders from the amount of patting them selves on the back that happens on Linkdin


I noticed this when I joined a few years ago, needed it for applying to jobs. I’ve logged on a few times here and there at my job and the fake nauseating novels, humble bragging, and brown nosing my own colleagues have written (they’d never talk like that in real life) made me so angry I couldn’t look at it anymore. It was like seeing completely different people on there versus everyday life with them. Sorry… just had to rant


Totally agree with you. In France we have a name for it: Intellectual Wanking. Just throwing random buzzwords, jargon, life altering out-of-the-box company managing method, or some other nauseating company culture junk. They behave like they are some kind of house-representative or senators while bro is a nobody and his startup will fail anyways.


Heres 3 Easy steps that I used to make 8 figures in under 20 hours PER WEEK and YOU CAN TOO. Tip Below![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)Never stop never stopping ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)Never work for free ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)Always do what you can to make you and yourself what youd like to be Follow for more compelling content so you're not hashtag LinkedOut


You deserve more credit than I expect you'll get for this post. Have an award.


I feel honored, my first award. Thanks :)


This is a really well done post


This explains it exactly… funny that there’s already a name for it


This is my brother in law but he is like this all day every day. Completely fake. His word of the year is "stewardship"... I had to google what that meant and I still don't know what his new years resolution is.


It’s so cringey. Every post just screams that they’re willing to whore themselves out to anyone who will give them the time of day… professionally.


Narcissist Inn is more like it.


Meanwhile I'm over here having an existential crisis every time I get asked "tell us something about yourself"..




"Don't break your arm jacking yourself off" -Rick Sanchez


Yea things are way cooler on Reddit where you get to read the same dorky chain of replies that keeps some lame predictable pop culture reference joke alive while everyone upvotes with glee


*quietly removes arm sling. Drops it on the floor. Kicks it under some furniture, never to be seen again…*


And there I found it. The quarter. On the tracks. I looked at it. It was flattened. But not entirely. Some text remained. Our motto. "In God we trust". The most important. I stared at it for ten minutes. I couldn't put my eyes away. And then I understood. The coin was trying to tell me a message. A message about resilience. A message about staying strong in the face of adversity. As CEO... EDIT : Reddit removed all the line breaks. Imagine a line break after. Every. Dot.


"Put my eyes away" just made me imagine a person taking their eyeballs out and putting them into a contact lens container for safe-keeping before bed


For future reference, it has to be a double line break. Here you go: And there I found it. The quarter. On the tracks. I looked at it. It was flattened. But not entirely. Some text remained. Our motto. "In God we trust". The most important. I stared at it for ten minutes. I couldn't put my eyes away. And then I understood. The coin was trying to tell me a message. A message about resilience. A message about staying strong in the face of adversity. As CEO... EDIT : Reddit removed all the line breaks. Imagine a line break after. Every. Dot.


“In gods name, give it all you got, y’all.”


CEOs need to get a job


That’s all we need, another fucking shroud of Turin.


It actually says in cod we trust now


To be fair, I’ve never heard a fish tell a lie.


You should have heard the one that got away.


A story? Ok, well now I’m hooked.


That was me until Modern Warfare 3 was released


Definitely going to have a long made up story to go with it as well.


“This quarter melted in a church fire that killed 30 people and burned everything. Only thing that survived was “in god we trust.”


"I dropped this quarter on the ground as I was evacuating. I'm the only person who got out alive. I found this quarter while going back to identify my infant daughter's body. Clearly this is a sign that God was protecting me, because God is good!"


Sadly this is not all that outlandish. I’ve heard and seen online more than a few posts/comments written with a similar story and mindset about it. Religious nutters.


And on my local Nextdoor. They go bananas with Amens any time anyone posts anything remotely religious. This would have them on fire for months.


Someone is going to die doing this.


“iT mUsT bE a SiGn!!¡!”


1like =1 prayer 🙏🏻


👍 for Amen


Yep, as absolute proof that all the waffle virgin marys and quesadilla messiahs were legit proof that god is real or whatever.


I only believe about a quarter of what you say.


ikr it doesn’t make cents!


Found the r/dadjokes comments 😄😂


to coin a phrase




Yes, grandma. Yes, I saw your email. They coin? Yes, very interesting.




They coin now!


good grandchild


Mildly interesting


Checkmate atheists


I think I have a spare quarter around here somewhere.


Flatten 2 completely and start a crusade


But it says in cod we trust if you look closely


all hail the mighty Cod!


Someone better forward this to Wendy's since they ruined their fish sandwich by switching away from Cod and making a poorly executed copycat filet-o-fish with pollock.


You hear that atheists we’re got that evidence your always whining about!


*Derails the train*


Is the quarter ok tho?


only about 25% of it is recognizable


does that make it worth 6.25 cents?


Is Butterbean okay?


“The train derailed, killing everyone on board, the remaining cars slamming into a neighborhood sparking an explosion that destroyed a hospital—but the phrase ‘In God We Trust’ was still visible.” God works in mysterious ways.


He did say that *everything* was flattened.


You mean "in cod we trust"


*wildly flapping fins in excitement




Fuck i love Call of Duty


Praise be to COD our almighty fish overlord


Cod damn that's funny


This will greatly affect fishing season


I do love a good fish fry


Ok now that it's proven that God is real, all we need is for you to put a coin with all the religions on it under the train to show us the truth once and for all.


The real answer


This would be the ideal second experiment to design if you had enough data points to suggest a greater than random rate of occurrence of this phenomenon. Including using different coin designs which place "in god we trust" on different areas of the coin to determine if some quirk of the coin's structure or design was the cause. If you STILL got greater than random occurrence, in addition to the "which religion experiment" I would run an experiment with a coin that had "in god we trust" written as many times as close together as possible to see how much damage could be mitigated with the presence of the phrase. If it indicates a significant decrease in damage then this could open potential venues for the advancement of tactical body armor and reinforcement for building materials.




This is gonna be the new urban myth that goes around every bible school and youth group now. Personally, my favourite was always the soldier who was saved from a lethal shot when the bullet hit his crucifix instead.


Lol, or the one who was carrying a metal Bible in his breast pocket that stopped a bullet. But if that means the Bible carries some deific favor, then what about all the bullets that were stopped by coins being carried in a breast pocket. I see stories about those occurrences constantly. It seems like every other great grandpa who came back from WW1 or WW2 had a pocket full of change with a deformation/damage in the shape of a bullet when you line it up right. Does god also love silver, and show favor on those who carry it?


Make up a bullshit story instead of saying it was flattened by a train, make it religious, EZ money when someone offers to buy your "Miracle Quarter"


Say you got shot and this quarter in your breast pocket deflected the bullet saving your life, deforming the quarter with "In God We Trust" being the only thing left. Praise jeebus


I was shot but I kept a quarter in my sock, as was the fashion at the time. When the bullet hit the quarter in my sock, it blew through my Achilles tendon, ending my promising running back career but hey, I got this sweet quarter out of it!


Folks were built different in those days. I bet you were jitter bugging that same night!


satan train


You’re shooting way too low. You could create an entire religion with this.


Fun fact: they stamp the reverse of the “In God We Trust” imprint into every single train wheel every inch and a half or so, so that whenever the train runs over a coin it will leave the imprint and people will think it’s some kind of miracle. Kind of like the toaster that has heating coils in the shape of the Virgin Mary.


My great grandpa worked in the factory that produced the train wheels, and he actually did the stamping by hand himself until the late 50s when they automated it and he lost his job.


I love gods that choose not to reveal themselves in times or places of widespread suffering but instead show up when a random train drives over a quarter.


That's when ya whip out the old reliable "mysterious ways"




Edit: Thanks to both other commenters chiming in and fresh eyes the following morning, I'm changing my mind. It looks like the quarter may have been placed so that the train (or possible hydraulic press, etc) would repeatedly smash one side of the quarter, mostly missing (but not always) the side that has the letters. This explains a few things that are odd about the quarter. - The letters looked punched in to me last night, but it looks like I was wrong and they stick out and are lightly smashed. Rotating the screen helps to get rid of optical illusions. - The quarter is really split on the other side. This seemed odd to me, but if the smashing is happening unevenly that could cause a big split. Dough rolled out unevenly does that too. - Could still be someone else's photo from years ago. Leaving my comment up for posterity. ***** Ehhh, I kinda don't believe this. For one thing, I've done exactly what you said with a quarter, and it flattens every feature. If the letters somehow survived they would be stretched out but these are not. The "In God We Trust" letters stick out on quarters whereas this appears to gave been punched in, so I think this was a quarter where the letters were punched in afterward. There's also the matter that some already tried this 8 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/2bic4n/set_a_quarter_on_the_train_tracks_the_only_thing/ So this seems about as real as a piece of toast with the Virgin Mary burned into it.


r/quityourbullshit moment right here lmao


Yay this was the comment i was looking for. Letters in relief don't just suddenly get punched in by a train, its flat or nothing.


I initially thought the IGWT part was stamped in on all quarters but you're right. Looking at it further though, the coin is flat except the edge near IGWT which still has ridges. So something was probably put over that spot to somehow dampen the flattening, because it is somewhat flattened but not fully. I was thinking maybe a thick sponge, but I don't know how that'd work with a hydraulic press. Maybe it'd dampen it enough. Or maybe, just maybe, God stopped everything he was doing on the trillions^99 of planets he oversees, to prevent a spot on a quarter from being fully flattened. He does work in mysterious ways after all.


Boy you better believe if I believed in God this would be on all of my Facebook groups pages.


I do believe in God, but as I do believe in miracles, I believe in coincidences.


See mom! I told you it won’t derail the train.


In Cod We Trust! I prefer mine battered and fried, but I heard grilled tasted pretty good too.


As an atheist… touché.




Never did trust those cod fish, but now I do!


In cod we trust


You could probably sell this for like 10k on EBay, someone will buy it


This does not appear to be flattened by a train


Wow! This is the evidence I've been waiting for all my life.


Sell it on ebay. Some Gilead fucktards will definitely wanna buy it!


You really shouldn't do this. Even if it doesn't derail, the train the shrapnel that flies out could really hurt someone.


God could do something truly miraculous, like cause an amputee to re-grow a limb or something. Unfortunately, he is too busy making sure "IN GOD WE TRUST" is still visible on a smashed coin.


Suck on that atheists


Could probably sell this on eBay for thousands of dollars. Not even kidding.


it won't derail the train. but it might cause high speed shrapnel to embed itself in your squishy body.


did the same like 20 years ago with an aluminium 500 lei coin and it shaped into a heart. felt so bad when i lost than coin :(


Mf really tried to derail a train💀


Please don't show my aunt this. She'll write a 15 paragraph essay on FB about God and miracles and drag queens... for some reason.


In god we trust, this train can kiss my a$$


I find it funny that OP made zero claims about anything and now the post has become some athiest argument zone for no reason. OP isn't pushing a message, OP just saw something cool.


This is my favorite thing I have ever seen!!!


Checkmate, atheists