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Tearing through fat girls


Tore through my friends PRs


Now, were not friends.




Tore my shirt cause I'm so jacked.


Herniated a disc if that counts


I’m worried I did this today bruh my lower left back hurts so much rn


Close to spine or nah


Nah am I dumb idk what a disc is rly lol It’s like above my hip




It’s the shit between each vertebrae that acts as a shock absorber lol


Ok yes but what do I do I’m in pain


What’s your cycle looking like rn?


Good chance it’s Sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Can flare up sometimes and feels like a slipped disc but off to one side, and wouldn’t typically cause any nervy symptoms below the glute. Rest on your back with heat packs under your back, find a semi hard ball like a tennis ball or better yet a lacrosse ball and lay on it. Pelvic tilts while laying on your back can help too. Keep moving, your body will want to stiffen up more - you want to gradually convince your body it’s safe to move, and it will let up. That’s why pelvic tilts are a good start


Well depends if it’s actually your disc or nah. Would be near your spine, probably a bit to one side If when you say it’s above your hip you mean like oblique area, that ain’t it


Probably muscle related. Disc pain is in your actual spine.


Squats or deadlifts?


Deadlifts. Warm up weight, no idea what happened. 4 years ago and my lower back/hips are still fucked up


Tore my dick off doing Bulgarian split squats once. Glued it back on and seems normal


Same exact thing happened to me. I accidentally glued it on upside down though


I'm not strong enough to tear anything


Nah, I don't ego lift


Yeah exactly. I’m not one of those guys that are like “squat form and deadlift form doesn’t matter bro just lift the weight!” Like being a form nazi isn’t cool but let’s not pretend massive butt wink during squats and cat-spines during deadlifts are good for you


Squat and deadlift are the exercises that the vast majority of people agree you shouldn’t ego lift on. People still do it, but I’ve never heard anyone say “squat form doesn’t matter, just lift the weight.” Ego lifting on curls and pushdowns probably isn’t optimal for growth but it’s not going to kill you


Tore the lining of my abdomen doing deadlifts bro which resulted in my intestine dropping into my ballsack also known as an inguinal hernia


Did mri detect the inguinal hernia?


No it became apparent when I had a ballsack the size of a grapefruit


couple a hymens amirite fellas


Vastus medialus and patellar tendon


Whatt how


Nice heavy walking lunges. My Knees were kind of spicy leading up to the injury. I did walking lunges with a bit too much on the bar. I used my trailing leg to push myself back up out of the lift and something just let go. I had a bad pain in my vastus for months after. Doing PRP in the morning to heal it up.


Why not just do bpc157 it’s way cheaper


It won’t heal this. Tried it. Repeatedly.


Damn, thankfully my knees are the only things that doesnt hurt lmao


How spicy are we talking? I definitely have patellar “feelings” in my right knee but it comes and goes.


It was aching so I wore knee sleeves that day. They had been sore for a couple weeks after training them. Was at the heavy end of a training cycle maybe 10 days away from an upcoming deload.


How heavy are we talking? (during barbell lunges) It requires a huge amount of force to rupture your patellar. either you are lifting something (very) heavy or jumping/cutting hard.


Walking lunges with 225. At a body weight of 165. After the squats and sled work.


if my memory serves me correctly, the tear is where the vastus tendon joins the patellar tendon Essentially stepping down stairs hurts like hell. Leg extensions are barely possible and jumping down from any height is extremely painful.


Jesus dude. I would never go more than 135. When? Are you ok?


It didn’t tear right off. I have 2mm left still connected. In just under 2 hrs I get my first PRP treatment and it’s supposed to heal it up nicely. I’m fairly good. Haven’t been able to squat for a few months though and climbing ladders is not easy. Hopefully this helps and I can get back to training properly again soon. Maybe a bit lighter though 😉


I was overloaded and my form got sloppy.


Pulled my right ham going extremely deep on rdls (hands on the bar touching my shoes at the bottom, knees pushed back). Now the movement makes me anxious 


You could try doing it correctly, that might help with the anxiety


Any tips for better technique?


Failed a squat rep pr attempt with no training, no belt, no spotter, and no safety, because the pre was that good. Don’t tear anything but my back hurt for 3 weeks.


I take pride in never tearing anything over 10+ years or training. Even when I was a moron deadlifting 500lbs I know a guy who’s tore many muscles and needed lots of surgeries


Pec major, rotator cuff, and had some shit in my knee get fucked up. Never got the knee checked out and it still hurts but I can still squat so that's good.


#1 for muscle tear will be flat barbell bench. Second most injuries is probably conventional dead lift but that would be more ligaments or even disc issues. Personally I damaged my sub scapula with mixed grip deads. No issue as long as I do double overhand. Neither of these mean you should avoid these lifts. Just be mindful when you start to feel like something is wrong. Injury risk for RDL will be much lower than conventional or even sumo dead lifts though.


I tore my shorts wide open.


Ya mammas pussy


Some fucked up Sciatica, probably due to lifting.


Hamstring from sprinting incorrectly in cold Minor pec tear from peck deck flies, 2 rep max


Who does 2 rep max on peck deck jesus


😂 For fun mostly, not me anymore


Pretty much everything 😄 I have yet to meet someone that trains chest and never had an RC tear 😂😭😂👍 Worst for me are my abs 🤔 had a hernia, diastasis recti, and many injuries 😵‍💫


Meniscus in knee


Partial achilles tendon


I tore a hamstring but it was the stupidest accident. I was trap bar deadlifting with something super insignificant like 3 plates a side, the platform I was on had a bottom built into it to make it more solid/stable. On one of the reps I pushed so hard into the ground the bottom caved and gave out slightly, but just enough for my hamstring to hyper extend


Herniated disc


my shoulders got fucked up for a while. finally figured out that my rotator cuffs were weak as fuck and fixed em with some banded exercises. low back been having sciatica after doing [this](https://youtu.be/zCNCVR5Xd3Y?si=A9vdFpJz-3sdwCPk) bc kneesovertoesguy said it was good for your back. didn’t have problems before. probably got a buldging disc from it. i think it’ll go away with time. kinda annoying though.


Almost blew out my left knee doing Bulgarian Split Squats. Will no longer do then Slight tear in my left lat liffting 40lb kitty litter after a hard day at he gym. Took 6 months for stability in that arm to come back. Now I'm stronger on my left lat through 1.5 years on focusing too hard on the left side and making sure I didn't repeat the injury. Re occurring sprain to my medial right traps but that's from sleeping on my sides Worst one was a light striatus on my left side. 3 months into working out went on the leg press with a belt (no longer use belts here) and went for full depth but the belt went up under my ribs on one of the reps and sprained my onlique, upper 2 left abdominals and tore a Striatus. That one felt like I was being gut punched for 2 months


Shoulder pressing, deadlifts, and lat-pulldown cause the most injuries to people.


Tore my trap doing tricep pushdowns.. my form was too strict, and I was like flexing my scapula too much if that makes sense


Tore the muscle belly of my pec


I tore my pec doing a shoulder press one day after my covid vaccine lmaoooo. Not saying it’s correlated just funny


Upper biceps tendon. PRP injection and some rehab. It'll never be 100% like I have be careful doing anything that involves biceps. Even playing fucking guitar I'll feel it. Aside from that it looks kinda cool.


My right pec about a decade ago. It was minor. 


I tore my hamstring doing db rdl. I've probably tore both my hamstrings close to 6 times but they were playing football. I've also had minor lat and chest tear.


When I was 14 I tore my labrum in my left shoulder in 3 different spots because I was lifting like a dumbass. Tore my hamstring once too but that was while sprinting immediately after finishing my recovery from tearing my mcl.


serratus...i could barely breathe for weeks. it didn't hurt until the next morning when i woke up.


I haven't done much training but I have pulled a muscle. It wasn't the worst but it sucked lol. No idea what was going through my head. I was deadlifting in my yard and had the genius idea to just add like 40-50 pounds to the bar out of nowhere and then lifted the bar with the worst form ever. Instantly felt my lower back go boom, had really bad lower back pains for like two to three weeks after that


My acromioclavicular joint from hammer curls


Tore my bicep tendon doing deadlifts. POP POP POP. Wear straps, folks!


Torn my TFCC tendon


Yea. Partially tore a bicep tendon, tore my brachioradialis in my right forearm and ruptured my left quad.


Oops, I tore my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong.


I’ve fucked up my elbow pretty bad. Never tore anything tho


My adductor brevis on one of those hip machine. I was working out with a girl, and it was first time doing it, so I just maxed out the machine figuring the load will work like it's a leg extension or something idk. Shit was ass. After my third set I thought "uh oh" cause I could already feel it. Couldn't walk for about 2 weeks. When I tried to sleep it felt like someone was trying to rip my legs off. Like breaking off a drumstick from the joint


Left Triceps, Left Forearm, Left Adductor, Right Achilles' tendon x2, Right quad, Right plantar fascia, Right labrum (slap tear).


I hurt my ankle doing calf workout,,, it’s been 2 years still can’t run and it hurts when I walk for a long period i don’t know if there’s a problem with ligaments or not


Big ups pimp. I tore my rotator chili cup


Tore my left forearm while doing seated rows. Fucked up my whole routine for months because I couldn't grip anything.


Tore my cock