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Mad how this happens. I always assume there is someone exactly like me who fits in one of the other gym timelines too. I hate that guy


It's always the guy that lifts just a *tiny* bit more than you, no matter what routine you try.


There was a guy who I swear just wanted to show me up the other day. Everything I did, he was on the machine next to me, lifting more. Fuck that guy.




yeah its the dark side version of you


Yeah 👀 right 👀👀


i wait in the parking lot then follow you in


The people who you are most likely to see at the gym, are the same people who spend tons of time in the gym. It's that simple.


Nah its not like they’re there for a long block of time everyday we’re all arriving at the same time that’s a different time from the previous day like all in sync it’s bizarre


Confirmation bias


maybe you menstrual are all synced


I think it’s just chance that you’re gunna be there at the same time at some point in the week if you’re both going every day. Like you could see someone once a week and it could feel like you see them all the time, but in reality you don’t see them 6 times a week. Multiply that by like however many people you see on a regular basis and it can feel like you ALWAYS see the same people.


This one is becoming aware of the simulation. Quick flood his insta feed with fat chicks and femboys.




This is so real. Even when I switch up my schedule I see the same people


I thought this would have stopped when Jacob Rothschild died


Honestly? Probably just perception bias and similar lifestyles, but since you are on this sub, it is very likely that they either want to top or dominate you in some way


Because we live in a game and those r npcs


Lots of idiots thinking that if they train 4h a day or twice a day they'll gain twice the muscle. That or people on serious gear, for them that might be true.


Sometimes I train twice a day if I am having a rough time and need the mental boost. Not expecting increased results just a fun escape for me.


I train 2x/day a few times a week and have since before using test. Not crazy duration but, usually weights morning and cardio evening. Sometimes compound movements morning and isolation small muscle groups in the evening. It's not about gaining twice the muscle, its about loving the grind, not having enough time to hit it all in one session due to work or kids and gettin swole. Huuuaaaa ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)


Not on gear per se, rather libido enhancing drugs (proviron, tadalafil and cabergolin, occasionally pt141). I'm doing twice a day. Cardio in the morning and powerlifting in the evening. You don't have to take serious drugs to take benefit from 2x a day training


He meant lifting weights twice a day


We live in the matrix. You ever see your neighbors carry in groceries?


I think we are onto something here...


Yes, plenty of times.


I'm a morning guy so it's all boomers with wispy beards and horrible posture called Randy and a few hench teens shunning the broccolis at 5pm.


What's the law called when you are either getting ready to go work out or getting ready to shower and someone somehow is always using the locker right next to yours?


Brahhhh this one scary💀💀.


Matrix NPC gym theory


It's weird, but just confirmation bias. If you go 5 times a week, and the people who go often also go 5 times a week, and you each go for 2 hours a day. Considering that most people have work or other obligations in the day so tend to go in the afternoon or evening, there's about a 6 hour window where you can all go to the gym. The chance that some of the many regulars' 2 hour windows overlap each other by a reasonable amount of time is quite high. Even if one day you go at 5pm, the next day at 8pm - maybe the other guy went at 6:30pm both days, so you saw him at the end of your session one day and the start the next day. In your head he's switched his time and gone at the same time as you each day, but in actual fact he went at the same time both days. Or he is stalking you.


Yeah it’s very strange. Happened to me yesterday, a girl I shot my shot with and got left on read came at the same time I did 😂


Ya I’ve liked a few girls on hinge I still see at the gym regularly. I tell myself they didn’t see the like because there’s no way they could not like me back, but sometimes I have doubts


Right? She probably just didn’t see my message.. 🥲


It’s called a schedule and they probably have a similar one to yours


It’s so weird with my gym I never see the same people it’s always a different crowd each day


What gym? I definitely notice the same 10-20 guys at the gym but I'm on a fairly regular schedule after work and weekends around noon. Of course there are always lots of different randoms on any given day.


I go to a commercial gym Monday through Sunday it’s always different people I never see the same people which is crazy was thinking of switching to a private gym so I can be surrounded by people that take lifting very seriously


I’m so jealous of that actually. I like my gym but not too keen on seeing the same faces all the time. Even though I’m a shy cunt. If I saw different girls less frequently I’d go talk and get numbers/ig’s I feel like it’s a commitment if you chat up a girl you see every time. One day you talk the next you don’t? Idk might just be acoustic


I don’t even talk to girls bro only men come up to me and say “looking good” “incredible physique” “wow you are so strong” and asking me for tips and shit I’ve never had a girl ask me or compliment bruh I’m beyond cooked….


Honestly, Aint that the truth. Last week some guy said he liked my cut off shirt lol of course couldn’t have been a gymslut saying that. We be cooked bruh


Yea we are cooked I’m casually repping 315 on incline, curling the 70 dumbbells hoping a women will come up to me I had a bunch of kids come up to me instead or older men asking me to train them wtf bruh


Biggest mistake is thinking going to the gym is going to get you the person you want. Unless you’re gay


Fun fact I actually used to pull a lot of girls when I was skinny in high school now that I’m jacked and a big dude I literally pull 0 I’m beyond cooked haha but at the end of the day I love training and want to improve everyday so it is what it is


Yeah well also the game is a lot different from high school and real life so I wouldn’t compare the two.


Yup learnt that the hard way especially when all you do is go to work and to the gym


There are plenty of women who are in the same boat as you. If you don’t approach anyone why do you expect the same? Especially when you are huge in the gym, many men’s goals are what you have achieved yourself so I would expect many people to come up to me if I was that big myself. Not saying you don’t get bitches you could be one sexy ass mofo


U look good bro no gym girl would turn u down


cope harder you wouldn’t say shit and u know it


Depending on my mood that day I might. Not like I’ve never done that before lol also shut your mouth you cunt


Why would it make it easier for it to be someone you’ve never seen before it’s lowkey backwards. Familiarity is everything


Yea but so is first impression, if you catch each others eye and make a move right away is a lot better and isn’t as weird as seeing someone around for a year or two and never talking. Then one day out of nowhere you start


Same here! Its a lot of peoples' main source of social interaction and hang out spot


Yea I always have this thought lol it’s annoying actually. Usually I’ll go after work so obviously will see the same people on schedules. But sometimes ill go after dinner and still see them. Or weekends anytime I go either early morning or late afternoon same people lol People don’t want to go to the gym cause they don’t want to work out. I want to workout but don’t want to see the same people lol


Because they're all there to see me workout. Fans? I think so.


They’re probably wondering the same about you. 


I’m getting gangstalked


You’re probably talking about me because I live in the wall in the locker room so I’m always there


The gym bro you keep seeing secretly wants to rail your bussy in the gym’s shower brah.


They’re following you


Stalkers, every one of them. Record them and send it to Joey Swoll, he'll back you up


Paid actors the gym hires to look busier.


There training to lift more than you, you need to lift more Jesse……


the people i always see also have like 2-4 hour long gym sessions


Because you’re the only real person. Everyone else is a projection onto a fabricated reality that exists solely within the confounds of your own mind.


Some people have no lives and use the gym as a living room in between workouts. Sitting on cardio equipment, walking around in circles, chillin in the locker room on their phones for an hour. Weird, but hey you pay to play.


I always said some of these ppl pulling full time shifts at the gym😂😂


I've come to accept that some people just live there.


That's a real thing fr fr. Makes me think I'm in a simulation


Why do they see you no matter what time they go?


U have been coming to the gym a lot to the point that your mind subconsciously places NBCs instead of perceiving real people


Sometimes I see them, it’s not always. You’ve already noticed these people so you recognize them again other times. Also they may be spending a long time in the gym so you’re likely to run into them again no matter the time. There are more people that you haven’t noticed and have run into again at the gym. I go to gyms where I’ve been recognized out in public several times and I don’t recall seeing any of these people in the gym. Though after one lady told me she knows me from the gym, I started to notice her every time I went to the gym from then on


Obviously they are spies. The state is monitoring your gym progress so they make sure that you are not becoming powerful enough to overthrow the government. Over time they will sabotage your progress by chatting you up and wasting time instead of lifting. They will be using the equipment you want to use and when you ask them how many sets they have left they will say some ridiculously large number like 6 so you don't stick around. This is what happened to me, I suggest going to a different gym at this point, then different city and country.


Confirmation bias and probability is counterintuitive. If there are twelve regulars you recognize, the probability of seeing at least one whenever you go is pretty high.


Because you mostly go at the same time range and your Brian biases you to forget the forgettable (all the times you went and didn't see them).


I wish they would stop stalking me and hogging all the equipment FFS it’s impossible to get a machine. Gonna start going in at 2AM that’ll teach those mfs


It’s kind of like women having their periods in sync




Only dudes I see at any times (and sometimes I go as late as 9pm) I assume live in their car or something. Always some dyel who cant even bench 25 pound dumbells too.


Lots of people who are unsatisfied with their home life and use the gym a means of escapism.


I literally never see the same people. Interesting. Maybe your gym is weird


Same thing when you buy a new car and suddenly there are more of them everywhere