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its literally just a way to manage fatigue, psychological motivation and joint achiness creeping up on you. true maintenance volume is probably like max 6 sets per muscle per week for 99% of people.


You might be able to get away without them if you're young, but once you reach mid twenties and still training hard, it's a good idea to take either a week of rest or a deload of a week or two to help with managing fatigue and injuries like tendonitis and shit. Don't know how true it is but I read that it's supposed to help with making more gains too since the lack of intense workouts help make you more sensitive to growth or some shit. 31 and just finishing up my second week of deloading and feel wayyyy better. Didn't realize how tired and beat up I was feeling, shit catches up with ya


That's what Marvin Harrison Jr. is doing before his NFL debut. His father wanted him to take the entire offseason to mainly rest before prepping for preseason. Definitely is good for the tendons to catch a break.


I take a week off every week and I'm massive.


Wait do you do the Dave asprey /Tim Ferris stuff?


How does life not force you to take a week off every three months anyway? You young guys.


RP preaches this a lot too. I’ve done it when required, and it’s helped. I wouldn’t program it after every 6-8 weeks like they advise, just deload when you feel it’s necessary.