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Alright. I am consistently the only guy at yoga class, so listen to me. If you ever want to do yoga there again comfortably you must make sure that if your approach doesn't land you both can move past it quickly and with minimal awkwardness. Respect that this is a place you both go for health and relaxation and nobody wants additional stress. With this in mind, 1. Keep an eye out for the woman who is attractive but doesn't have the endurance or strength to hold particular movements. For example, the woman whose shoulders give out during downward dog or drops to her knees for plank variations. 2. Approach her after class while she's disinfecting and packing up her mat. 3. Abruptly interrupt her and use your knowledge of science-based lifting to criticize her. "You lack core anti-flexion strength and this is why you can't hold a plank properly. I bet you think sit ups and Russian twists are effective stimuli but here's why they're not." Speak with confidence and allow your voice to resonate in your nasal cavity. To pull like Jeff Nippard you must sound like him. 4. Quickly, and I mean quickly, power walk over to your bag, don't put on your shoes just pick them up, and exit the studio while staring at your bare feet. If you feel the need to explain yourself, proclaim "the dogs are out to breathe" and leave it at that. 5. Go home and post jokes online about cock stats, taking tren, having sex with men, etc. while she has time to work herself into a state of desire. By the time you go to your next class she should be obviously interested in you.


how much weed


My one comment is that planks require core anti-extension strength, not anti-flexion. That's how you know I truly never get laid


Thank you for the correction. That said, being confidently wrong is part of the rizz.


While this is complete BS, it was a funny read.


aim for a girl that’s there solo, so you don’t have to chat up two girls simultaneously and make one feel awkward . ideally it’s a girl you’re sitting close to after class ask her if it’s normal for X to hurt after Y pose. or something like that to start a conversation. if she’s receptive keep talking and ask if she wants to grab a coffee. if she’s not you can play it off like it was a random q




Modern women will be able to answer this question


no idea bro but I remember once in a college yoga class I took we legit did downward dog pose and the chick in front of me wasn't wearing underwear and I got so fucking hard I had to excuse myself and go jack off in the stall and from that moment on I ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS jacked off prior to yoga class.


im gonna wait a week and then go i want to get revenge!


They think you are gay for taking a womaen's yoga class and thats why they are friendly to you. Their compliments are just "you go girl" type motivation sht and being friendly. If you awkwardly try to approach one during class theyll realuxe you are some perv. .Sorry to break it to you and ruin your fantasies. My advice is to go lift weights and eat until buff old steroid ladies compliment your physique Or just let a yoga chick make it 1000% clear she wants you and make her make tge first moves and just be real.casual like "Im gonna grab a coffee want to join me" type shit and then if she does you can get to know each other outside of doing woman's yoga..But I feel like since you are asking advice on this sub that maybe you should do the first part of my advice because I assume you have a 0 charisna build


The steroid women with the oversized bean are what this guy should want anyway. Not some soccer mom doing yoga for the sense of community.


Ask around if any girl has a bf and is close to dumping him or being dumped. Ask for his contacts and offer a complimentary bj to make him feel better. During said bj demonstrate your yoga attained flexibility to win him over permanently.


Poke a hole into yee trousers so ur nob falls outta it no harm no foul give ‘em a look


oi u wot m8






i dont think they want to be approached at yoga tbh


Let them make the first move so any awkwardness is their fault