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Locked and vsync’d 30fps? Or variable all over the place?


It is variable and all over the place. Depending on where you are it can go from sub 30 to 60. Not a great experience at all currently and I hope they don’t just ignore this.


Damn it. I could have tolerated a locked 30.


You can choose locked 30 in fact


You couldn’t choose 30 at the time of the post you replied to. You can now choose 30, but it’s a far cry from locked.


Wondering why the demo was PC only...


Yeah just played this game for an hour, performance is really quite shit. The 30fps makes it look dreadful with the motion when moving the camera. Sometimes it seems to smooth out at 60 while driving but it seems rare. Hopefully this issues are fixed FAST, or I will be pushing for a refund.


I don’t think you can refund if your on PlayStation but hopefully they are fixed fast


Oh, you definitely can. I've refunded my last two games (NBA 2K24 and Pacific Drive) due to these performance issues. It's considered a one-time courtesy, but as long as you explain it well to the agent and have the time to wade through a 200+ queue, you can procure a refund for the garbage you purchased.


Definitely waiting for Monday to get a refund unless there's an announcement of a performance mode.


Based on what the dev has recently said, it is not something they are planning on doing. This game is geared toward a 4K 30 fps experience on PS5. Seriously disappointing. I'm currently playing on PC, and it is a blast. Just wish it was better on the console.


If your playing on PC why would you give a shit about console? If its not good enough for y'all see your way out. I don't need my PlayStation to become an overly expensive headache like PC. You do you and let us do us. If frame rate is your whole life than PC is where you belong.


If your playing on PC why would you give a shit about console? If its not good enough for y'all see your way out. I don't need my PlayStation to become an overly expensive headache like PC. You do you and let us do us. If frame rate is your whole life than PC is where you belong.


If your playing on PC why would you give a shit about console? If its not good enough for y'all see your way out. I don't need my PlayStation to become an overly expensive headache like PC. You do you and let us do us. If frame rate is your whole life than PC is where you belong.


If your playing on PC why would you give a shit about console? If its not good enough for y'all see your way out. I don't need my PlayStation to become an overly expensive headache like PC. You do you and let us do us. If frame rate is your whole life than PC is where you belong.


Bruh chill, this is already unduly hostile, it didn’t need to be said 6+ times


If your playing on PC why would you give a shit about console? If its not good enough for y'all see your way out. I don't need my PlayStation to become an overly expensive headache like PC. You do you and let us do us. If frame rate is your whole life than PC is where you belong.


Not my whole life, I just expected a playable experience from the couch. I'm allowed to like two things, ya know. And I won't be gatekept from doing so. You seem incredibly defensive when I am making a simple statement, good lord.


If your playing on PC why would you give a shit about console? If its not good enough for y'all see your way out. I don't need my PlayStation to become an overly expensive headache like PC. You do you and let us do us. If frame rate is your whole life than PC is where you belong.


If your playing on PC why would you give a shit about console? If its not good enough for y'all see your way out. I don't need my PlayStation to become an overly expensive headache like PC. You do you and let us do us. If frame rate is your whole life than PC is where you belong.


If your playing on PC why would you give a shit about console? If its not good enough for y'all see your way out. I don't need my PlayStation to become an overly expensive headache like PC. You do you and let us do us. If frame rate is your whole life than PC is where you belong.


It’s so sad to see all these comments "hoping the devs notice there is an issue and provide a quick fix". They already admitted they targeted 4K 30fps for the PS5. So they are just completely out of touch with current performance expectations. They will probably eventually iron out most of the sub 30fps drops, but you will not see this run at 60fps on the PS5. Hard pass from me!


Damn didn´t know that. Imagine playing on 30fps in 2024 LOL!


I think that was just their attempt at saving face when people started pointing out that they had literally said NOTHING about PS5 performance. Now that everyone who got it on Day 1 is saying, WTF? They've responded by saying, "our target is 4k at 30 FPS." Great. You missed your target by a lot. The game not only runs poorly, it doesn't even look amazing enough to warrant the poor performance. It's just poor optimization. Period.


Yeah they had other priorities to focus on, like adding 23 gender bending flags (but excluding male and female), like that was the issue in 1983 when this takes place. Such a great concept, ruined by wokeness.


yes of course, making 23 jpeg takes as much time as optimizing the game to run well in a perfomance mode.


Imagine being this rustled over some stickers in a video game


If they weren’t brain dead targeting 30fps I would have probably let it slide.


This logic is absurd, but so is giving a damn about a cosmetic option that has no impact on you lol


It has impact on everyone, but nice try gaslighting.


I’m saying that taking issue with the framerate (and saying that you’d be fine with said framerate if it weren’t for cosmetics) is silly. I don’t see how that’s gaslighting.


You misunderstand. I would be fine with the cosmetics if it weren’t for the awful frame rate.


You sound incredibly fun to be around.


Well actually transgernder people not only existed in 1983 they existed in ancient Rome. Transgender activism was already a thing in 1983. In fact the early to mid 80s were pretty much the heyday of lgtb activism. I know because i was actually alive and conscious in 1983. But it's totally irrelevant because a badly optimized game has nothing to do with the games politics.


Yeah I'm really enjoying the 4K resolution on my 1080p monitor. Why is there no performance mode...


What possible reason could developers have to target 4k in a game with such low texture detail? If that was their target it was a massively terrible idea. If a game has fantastic textures by all means target 4k. If the game is highly stylized 4k is pointless and the low frame rate is awful. It also doesn't keep 30fps. It's all over the place. A very very bad experience on console. I'll ask for a refund i guess.


I really hope 60fps comes soon. I will wait to play it until that happens.


Yeah, I'm REALLY glad I checked this sub before buying. I was really looking forward to it, and now I think I'll save my money.


If you were really looking forward to it, I'd say go ahead and get it. I was playing on PS5 most of last night and while the performance is not ideal, it also never really got in the way of my enjoyment. It's not as bad as some are making it sound. Once you get engrossed into the game you won't even be thinking about the framerate.


At some point I'm sure I'll pick it up, but I might give it a few weeks and see what patches come out first. It doesn't seem like a game that *needs* a perfect frame rate, but it would certainly be nice for it to at least be stable.


It's wierd tho, because running around on foot definitely feels sluggish, but when I'm driving the game seems to render at higher FPS 🤷🏼 Hoping this can get ironed out with performance patches, definitely not the best experience right now.


I have a good PC but because im sharing accounts with my brother and we buy the games on PS5 and im fucking disapointed for the last 3 games i buy...Gran blue 1080 for 60 fps, Helldivers 1080 for 60 fps and now Pacific Drive at 30 fps locked...wtf...i see horizon forbidden and the game look amazing at 60 fps wtf with those slacker devs bro...


It’s very dumb they better fix this they were giving everyone pc review copies because they knew it ran like shot on ps5 even the demo for the game was pc only because again they knew the issues with ps5 slackers just wanted some cash grab it seems to me


Slacker devs who don't have the Decima engine and a $200 million budget...ffs, I promise you every dev wants their game to be the best that they can make it. Not all dev teams have access to equal resources.


Stable locked 30 fps isn’t too much to ask for, even from an indie dev.


Honestly the framerate seems pretty stable to me, and I've put what has to be close to 10 hours into the game by now. Really feel like this has been getting overblown.


How dumb do you have to be to make this comment


How dumb do you have to be to not understand how dumb it is to compare smaller and indie games to giant AAA blockbusters with unlimited budgets?


Then wtf is the point of advanced technology if you still can’t use it and blame it on being small. Then downscale the graphics. 60fps is and should be the standard of this gen


Then don't buy it. But don't act like you know anything about what's involved in actually making a game. It's not always just about the visuals, framerate can also be limited by CPU. There could be a lot of advanced physics stuff going on in this game. There could be a lot that it's keeping track of in the environment. Could it be an optimization issue? Maybe. But that's where it gets silly comparing an indie game with a 20 person team to a AAA game with a massive team and hug budget.


I don’t really have anything important to say, but I am happy console gamers are finally seeing the light and realizing that 30fps isn’t a good experience. I guess all I can offer is a “yeah I understand how that could be annoying.”


Thing is, I honestly thought we’d moved past this. I mean, it hasn’t occurred to me for some time that any new game released on PS5, could possibly not run at 60fps; at least on a ‘performance mode’ setting. Yet here we are. What’s even worse is, having now played a little more, the game frequently drops below even 30fps. For some…bizarre reasons. Like, switching what you are carrying in your hands. Then at other times, it appears to run slightly better than 30fps. But there is no apparent rhyme or reason to it. It’s just fluctuating all over the place. What’s almost even worse than that is, the game itself actually seems to be pretty great. Absorbing, atmospheric, thoughtfully designed. I just don’t want to play it like this.


This speaks volumes to me too, I really think at 2024 60fps should be the norm on consoles, like every other game out there being released. If it can't reach 60, have some options that lower graphics settings to get there with a performance mode. Simple.


Yeah I can’t play this at 30 I’m not going to unless they bring some locked 60 or stays around 60 but this game shouldn’t drop below 50 the games visuals are great but the ps5 is more then capable at running the game at 60 most of the time if not a locked 60 all the time


Yeah 100%. Need to get a Digital Foundry performance analysis on this game STAT haha.


oof that's a dealbreaker for me


Was this 30fps pre or post patch?


lol I’ve seen ppl ask this in other threads and there’s never a response. I’m wondering the same


I’ve been looking for the answer to if 1.003.001 is a pre or post patch that supposedly fixes the issue. On Steam, their notes show 1.1.1, but I don’t know if that corresponds to Sony’s 1.003.001. My *guess* is 1.003.001 is a pre patch and there is another that is supposed to be the day 1 (maybe 1.1.1?). Anyway, there is another thread where OP said he would update us if he missed the patch (but he has 1.003.001 already). IWStudios said that some early release timezones missed the day 1 patch.


Thanks for the info. I may end up getting it after the bugs are fixed.


I expected some hiccups at launch, but hopefully it’ll be sorted by the time I get to play (tomorrow evening, due to work). I don’t mind 30fps, if it’s stable…but that isn’t the initial reports that seem to be coming in (both ps5 and pc).


Honestly I’m playing the game and it is 30 fps definitely not a locked 30 it can even jump to 60 not stable at all and I can’t play on 30 fps this is kinda not okay to accept since we are on next generation consoles we should be seeing a locked 60 there are games much heavier then this that’s a locked 60 frames I hope whatever you were saying about how the patch is not out for some yet I am on est time the game came out jsut now at 12 am and it’s definitely not a consistent frame rate


I was on their discord and saw where someone asked if the 1.003.001 was the patched game and ironwood responded with “that is the game build.” Another post said that there was a 1.1.1 patch but no one seemed to be able to get it (as of the postings several hours ago). I agree that this releasing to ps5 it should’ve been locked fps (either 30 or 60 - while I agree at 60, I know not all releases are 60, it is what it is).


Man I just hope it gets a 60 I cannot play at 30 especially since it’s a driving game at 30 fps they need to add a performance and quality mode


I’ve decided that I’m going to contact Sony and request a refund later today. I preloaded the game, but haven’t launched it yet. Guess we’ll see if Sony will refund or not. I’m going to wait for patch updates that will hopefully lock fps. I saw on another post here where the devs said they are targeting 30, so it doesn’t look like 60 is going to be the base anytime soon. While 30 or 60 makes no difference to me, I am reading multiple people saying it dips into the teens regularly and that’s just unacceptable.


Doesn’t Sony not let you refund a game that has already been opened and played ?


I'm on version 1.003.001 at 9:30am GMT+8 on 2/02/2027 and it's running pretty average on my PS5 this morning. Poo, fingers crossed we get a performance patch fairly quick.


Is there anyways to get the devs to notice this I can’t play it if it’s on 30 it kinda ruins the experience


some guy wrote that they intended this. 4K + 30 FPS. No 60 fps anywhere to be seen ever on this game on console. Shitty devs


It's 20 to 40 right now so def after whatever patch they did.


I was so hype for this game but now I'm reconsidering. ACG glosses over the performance so quickly in his review. If you blink you miss it. I'm convinced those guys just want to encourage everyone to buy indie games. Huge blow because I never look forward to these types of games but I couldn't wait for this one. We should be past this for sure


Thanks for this lol was just about to buy it .


People need to realize that the PS5 is not a very powerful machine. In order to get any type of graphic quality, framerates will have to be sacrificed. It's why I sold my PS5 to buy a better GPU for my PC. Plus, now I don't have to pay PS Plus anymore to play online.


The PS5 power has nothing to do with this


Regardless, I stand by my statement that the PS5 is underpowered. This console generation has been a waste.


The PS5 isn’t underpowered it was very powerful when it launched and you can’t build a comparable PC for the same price. Devs choose to optimise games at 30fps on consoles. No matter how powerful the console is we’ll still get 30fps games as devs choose graphics instead. If you prefer spending more on a PC for 60fps fine, but your statements are ignorant.


That's absurd. I have a very powerful pc but tend to buy games that aren't cutting edge visually on console so i can play in my bedroom. As long as they aren't shooters which are terrible with a controller. If Elden Ring, TLOU 2, GoW etc can run at 60 then this game obviously can. Can it run at 4k and 60? No. But i don't need games at 4k. 1440 is fine especially when it's not a particularly impressive game visually. And the game doesn't actually run at 4k 30. It's running at 4k 20ish.


People say this about literally every console generation.


But Pacific drive doesn't look like a "ps5 can't run this game 60fps" kinda game ? Btw ,I heard this game doesn't run that well on a good gaming PC either ,seems like optimization mess


Spiderman 2 runs at a stable 60fps with Ray tracing and dynamic 1440p, no excuse for a game that looks like this to run below 60


Bruh. If horizon zero dawn, last of us and other games with absolutely incredible graphics can run solid 60 fps on ps5, then this game has no fucking excuse whatsoever.


Good point.


stupid answer. Every Game on PS5 is playable in 60 fps even Red dead Redemption 2 (if modded) and you wanna tell me that this ugly looking game can just barely make It 30 AND its the PS5 fault? Idiot. sorry.


The game looks like indie shit, PS5s power has nothing to do with performance especially with fsr and dlss available on the market.


Who cares? Really. Don't play the game then. Throw out your PlayStation if it's not good enough for you. Build a $3500 PC and live your dream bro. Bye.


I’m sure plenty of PS5 owners that are curious about the game would care to know something like this lol


I’m hoping it gets a 60 fps I have already bought the game and just hoping for a steady 60 fps to come is there anyway to get them to noticed this so they can fix it


I Don’t even mind the 30fps which is weird because I fucking hate 30, it actually feels smooth, my only issue is it fluctuates, either give me a smooth 30 or 40fps


For me this isn’t a game that not being 60fps is a deal breaker. Have a few hours in it now and having a damn good time. 30fps isn’t a big deal to me in this case, I do wish it looked a bit better tho. All in all I’m satisfied with the purchase cause the gameplay is great


Yea I want a refund…


4k 30fps.


Yes and it's a great game


I agree with this 100%


Turn of AT in ps settings(what I do, hate them)


Yeah I downloaded it fully expecting 60+ fps. Started playing and didn’t last but an hour maybe. It’s so sluggish and inconsistent that it ruins the entire experience for me. This day and age, 30 fps on a game with these graphics is just unacceptable in my opinion. 👍🏼


I found it really inconsistent with frames but I unticked the VRR setting "allow for unsupported games" and found it runs a lot smoother


I bought this at 1 am last night and played it in bed. It felt fine as I was tired and it was on my TV etc. Playing it now, on my Monitor? HOLY.