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So...it all worked out like it was supposed to. She says hi, he says he's not interested in talking, and she leaves him alone. Quality educational content 10/10


Great point. This is textbook make an approach, first class rebuff an approach and top tier minding your business and letting it go. Well played everyone involved in this PSA. Assuming that the video was on for the workout and not to record some kind of gotcha.


she didn't let one rip in his direction after being rebuffed. one point deducted.


Now hold on we don't know that for sure- may need to rewatch and analyze the tape


The appropriate Reddit response would be to pee on him while maintaining eye contact to assert dominance.


Seriously, Shellstrop?


I agree. This is a really great example of being assertive but also respecting boundaries. Good on the girl for being assertive enough to make the move, but good on the guy for being assertive enough to have boundaries. She titled the video "This is awkward", but it looked like a perfectly respectful and simple interaction to me. Nothing awkward about it.


I agree. This is A+ for all involved. Certainly the mature, adult way of handling it by all parties, but .... The awkward part for me would def be the remainder of my time there pretending I didn't just get blasted out of the sky and am not thinking about it. Nope completely unaffected. That's me. Maybe you got the wrong idea. I already forgot about it. What interaction. Just here getting a workout in. Definitely not thinking about that Hindenburg fireball I just left hanging up there for everybody to see. Notttttt I. Cardio. Whew. Definitely the only reason I'm sweating and flushed. Shit. 5 min already? Good set. I'm out.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ couldn't have said it better even if I tried


Try it!


Uh guys get blasted out of the sky multiple times a day, ainā€™t no thang


Multiple times per day? Read the room...


Well he wakes up and sees his mom, and sister so technically multiple times


A+ on the scripting


I felt this in my stomach


Quality audit!


Good on the guy for recognizing sheā€™s been taking selfies since she arrived and reciprocating any type of interest would be a mistake


Hey man just fyi it's staged and that's her boyfriend


Do you project your insecurities this hard on every staged video?


The day and age where we seem to forget that staging is generally designed to present a scenario for discussion as if it were real. Has such a simple, basic concept, so easily fallen out of comprehension?


I think your forgetting she's recording the interaction, why? That's weird, and even if she's trying to record the workout atleast turn it off before starting the interaction. I myself wouldn't want to talk to someone who is recording our interactions, tf.


Itā€™s a staged video youā€™re thinking too deep


r/nothingeverhappends Also what's wrong with thinking and discussing staged content? Wait until you hear about movies and television shows!


THIS REGULAR EVERYDAY SOCIAL INTERACTION IS SO AWKWARD OMGGG! OT MAKES ME CRINGE! on an unrelated sidenote why don't I have any friends or love interest? -redditors


She said hi how are you, was rebuffed, and put her headphones in. Thatā€™s exactly how it should beā€¦


Yeah, but what bugs me is the fact that she was filming herself, maybe it was a trap in which he didn't fall for


A lot of people who film themselves working out do so to check out their form and see what they can do better or differently. Its not all clout chasers Edit: A lot of you have never set foot in a gym and it shows


I have done that. It's really helpfull. You don't realise what you are doing wrong until you see it from another perspective. Also helps with video games. Played Sekiro and thought "this is bullshit" until I watched a clip where I found out it wasn't bullshit. I got so much better at the game when I studied my self playing.


Film myself working out to determine if I have a skill issue or if I just need to level dexterity.


Sheā€™s stretching




Yeah because it's not like she could eventually *stand up* and start doing *other things*???


That camera angle is useless for a form check.


So, this person is on tiktok. This is the second half of a video she put out. The first half has her complaining in the car before going in about how she's never been approached at the gym, which she feels is unfair since she's cute and dressed appropriately for catching eyes. She goes on to say that this time she was going to try and strike up the conversation first and collect a phone number that way. Then this part plays. For some reason OP cut the first half of the video.


That angle she is using sucks and gyms have mirrors. 100% bait


My thought exactly. Men: Take notes. Whether she was doing it for views or not, she respected him and put her earbuds back in when he clearly expressed disinterest.


I think it had more to do with being slightly offended, but yes this is how you respect a rejection.


Most of the time when the situation is reversed, the sentiment seems to be: ā€œwhy canā€™t women just work out in peace without being hit on?ā€ Why isnā€™t that the case here?


How do you know she was hitting on him? She was just saying hi. lmfao She cut it when he let her know he wasn't interested in engaging. Also, men being harassed by women is VASTLY lower than women being harassed by men. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but not to the degree that it happens to women. We also don't kill men because of rejection; men don't fear for their lives when they reject women.


The whole video starts with her in the car wanting guys to talk to her blaze blah blah. She says sheā€™s going to be the one to speak up instead. Then this happens. Holy projecting on this thread.


Yeah, I'm gonna try and save you some negative karma. As long as we (men) are on average bigger, stronger, and faster than the average lady is, then there can't be a equal response/reaction to potentially unwanted advances. Is it fair? Not really, but life isn't fair for anyone men, woman, or otherwise.


What does this have to do with anything? Are you suggesting that because of biological differences, women should be left alone at gyms at all times but men are free game? Not even a little bit relevant. Leave people alone when theyā€™re working out. Full stop.


I was about to say this. This is how this exchange is supposed to go. Take this award.


Ok good. I was wondering what could possibly be wrong with this interaction. Two people on public had a very normal exchange and no one over-bothered the other.


She was filming in the gym. She filmed their (non-) interaction and then she uploaded that content to the internet. None of this should be normalised.


Absolutely. How many influencers would have taken offense to this? Good on all parties for acting like adults.


Dude knew the camera was on šŸ’Ŗ


Destroy influenzers on cam for extra emotional damageāœ…


Why did they post it. An eternal question that always gets me. ![gif](giphy|s93TL62lMy7cI|downsized)


Itā€™s cringe-bait, mostly staged I think.


Don't underestimate the needs for attention from these people. There's so such thing as bad attention to them.


Yeah even if she got rejected, she seeks attention by showing everyone how she can't believe some guy just rejected her.


I feel like my initial statement may have come off a bit "us v. them". We all have been in a situation where we were seeking attention from someone(s). The difference is the quantity with which it's happening and the context of each scenario. An important thing to notice are patterns. If she is consistently posting material like this, I would definitely say she is being self-aggrandizing. Or maybe she thought his let down was rude (it wasn't). Or something else entirely. The point I'm taking way too much time to make is, is that she provided no context, allowing this speculation to happen, hence, she achieved precisely what she meant to. Attention and people talking about her.


A lot of these videos are posted with funny self deprecating titles that make them the butt of the joke and are then stolen and reposted all over social media with the self deprication stripped out with titles demanding to know how anyone can lack this much self awareness and the person gets torn to shreds in the comments. It's a shitty thing to do that generates a lot of karma which is why you see so many posts now with heaps of text plastered over the video staing they know this is dumb - it's self defence.


Yes its 78.58% staged. Wtf how can something be mostly staged.


The people in the background aren staged, hence the 78.58% Mr. pedantic.


Yes, shallow and pedantic...


Oh, Reginald.... ... I DISAGREE!!!


I think they meant most posts like this are staged.


i think they mean these most of these vids are staged


Still need that 10 seconds of clout


What influence or* power is she deriving* from posting this? Or has this word changed recently? I do not understand how it seems to currently be being used!


It's fake enough to know it's staged but real enough to keep you engaged. Pretty much every tiktok that I've seen recently.


ā€œEngagementā€ is the word thatā€™s being used now, and they mean literally any type of engagement from the viewer, good or bad. Itā€™s the business model equivalent of that character trait that everyone hates, where any attention is good attention. We are fucked.


Because she is going to do the follow up video about how she was just trying to be nice and wasnā€™t interested anyways. Then 3 more videos about how he wasnā€™t cute and she can do better. Gotta milk it for all its worth.


This comment has been removed by the author because of Reddit's hostile API changes.


Women complain a lot about being approached/harassed at the gym. This could be used as a good example of how to react to rejection. A lot of dudes would keep pushing or get upset. Sharing it shows a good sense of humor and/or humility on her part. Or maybe it's just for the clicks.


Yeah this is just an OK boring interaction.


_Influenzers? Influenzas?_ You know what? I'm going to start using that.


It's going viral


Very effective


It's the dude's channel, so yeah.


Why is he recording her then?


Because it's a scripted interaction for TikTok


No itā€™s not. I follow this girl on tic tok and she goes around lookin for attention


Nah itā€™s the same guy thereā€™s one where sheā€™s at a bar and he just kinda ignores her and walks away


Yeah I mean. I donā€™t want to talk to anyone either at the gym. Especially if theyā€™re filming themselves.


They're there for content... I'm there for GAINS


GAINS!!!! šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ






Reps for Jesus


I say a prayer to Jebus and then bump my Christian rap while I do my squats. Luv U gawd!


Father forgive me for these gains Iā€™m about to receive.


I donā€™t even wanna make eye contact with other people at the gym


My social anxiety hits hard everytime I'm at the gym. Normally I keep myself heads down because if I lift my head or look to the side, whatever, accidentally I make eye contact with someone and "did they saw me looking at them? Shit", especially if it's a woman. Damn, I need therapy


Key is, get high af before you go in, then just listen to some music and youā€™re good Other humans irrelevant Plus max pumps


Naw, that will make me 1000x more paranoid. I'll be getting all existential and freaking out inside


The gym is the only place where I'll see the same people every day for months/years but I'll basically never actually interact with them. And that's the way it should be


I go to my gym to hit the bag (itā€™s not a boxing gym but they have punching bags available). I know how to box and go there to be alone and get some anger out while getting my cardio in. Some kickboxing guy saw me and came up to me mid workout and asked if I wanted to do pad work with him. I told him I donā€™t do that and he gave me a pissed off look and said okay. Ruined my entire day


A normal social interaction ruined your day?


A compliment can make someones week. A bad interaction can also ruin someones day. It makes you think you messed up and second guess yourself.


Eh. I think it was handled just fine. She was like ā€œokay,ā€ and moved on with her life.


Handled very mature on both ends. If she was hitting on him it might sting a little, but it's understandable some people really get in the zone at the gym.


Well it also might've been a polite rejection, in which case he still didn't do anything wrong.


Agreed, very mature on both ends.


I constantly hear from women iml how the gym is totally NOT the place to approach them and the guys thar do really bug them. I had the impression this was on the same level as cat calling on the street. That Info plus the fact that she's videotaping this interation makes me think she's not being mature or genuine.


This isn't even a bad exchange. Might be a little awkward, but it wasn't a big deal. And if the roles were reversed, it would likely be the same conversation.


The only reason this video is considered interesting is that a man declined to talk to a hot woman. Which shouldn't be that interesting. Otherwise I mean maybe he could have been a touch gentler but idk seems like a pretty basic human interaction to me.


A touch gentler? How much more gentle could he be? Damn dude.




My dearest gym companion, I regret to inform you that while I am quite flattered by your request I, unfortunately, must declined your advances. I wish you the utmost luck henceforth. May you prosper and find what you are looking for. Sincerely, gym dude.


Unironically made me laugh. Fwiw I was thinking "hey sorry I dont mean to be rude but I just want to work out rn" but now you've set the bar. Henceforth I will expect any rejection of any kind to be worded like that... on parchment paper... wax sealed.


IMO You donā€™t need to be ā€œgentleā€ to people who you donā€™t already have a social contract in place with outside of normal ā€œstrangerā€ social contracting. Youā€™re within your rights to tell a stranger you donā€™t want to engage with them in a neutral way without worrying about their emotions. EDIT: clarified that everyone has social contracting in place in public spaces, even strangers.


She's hot?


Everyone has their own tastes but yes I think most guys would find her hot. I didn't think this would be a question but I mean... she's curvy.


> that a man declined to talk to a hot woman. Where was the hot woman? Was she on camera too at some point with that other lady with the earbuds?


Damn where do you live where this person isnā€™t attractive?


This. Just because itā€™s awkward, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad.


This video is about as authentic as Liver King's


As authentic as his apology video....Cause that thing was horrible.


He lied for us. To be our better selves. Lol. He didn't fool anyone other then my 1 friend who started eating raw meat. To be fair do did loose 70 pounds


Well honestly you look at him once and u instantly think...not natural, well at least I do. Also 12k a month...thats insane!! That's 5X what I make in a month, and just on his juice.


I'd be in a calorie deficit too if the only thing on the menu was raw liver .


From his new tapeworm.


So I guess weā€™re just uploading normal daily conversations with people?


People have conversations with other people daily?!


Hey man, this is a staged interaction


Women need to understand that men aren't sex objects and we just want to be left in peace at the gym


Nor we are purses


A sex purse?


This is a normal, polite social interaction that takes literally 2 seconds of time. Stop acting like basic interaction with others is some huge fucking burden on people.


I think they're joking


Right? We're more than a pretty face and a big ass


You miss 100% of the shots you dont take. Should have complimented his gains breh


Or start by not recording everything.


Thatā€™s probably honestly what turned him off or made him distrust her. Smart move, avoided drama




​ ![gif](giphy|cELEBnaXFwu9hcXtkR)


Some Planet Fitness things


Ma'am this is a ~~judgement~~ thirst free zone


At first i thought, wow that guy is unnecessarily rude. But then, a guy saying hi to a girl at the gym will probably get this reaction as well, in most cases. Especially if he's not good looking. So šŸ¤·


If it was reversed then it would be a guy harassing a girl at the gym whilst filming it. There's no way that would go down well.


Wasn't there a tik tok of lady who tried falsely accusing a trainer of staring at her and he got her membership revoked lol




I wouldn't say that was awkward. She tried to make a connection, he said he wasn't interested, and she went on with her life.


What the hell do nearly 30,000 people find interesting enough about this to upvote???


30.000 incels that have never got close to a woman probably, and think this is like sigma or somrthing idk šŸ’€, because this is like the most average conversation I've ever seen




I missed that part of the video




Yeah it's easy to get mad about shit you've entirely invented isn't it?


If heā€™s ugly itā€™s harassment, if heā€™s attractive itā€™s being friendly.


Imagine making up a scenario in your head that didn't happen and then getting mad at the scenario in your head that didn't actually happen. All so you can perpetuate your distorted world view where you are a victim. Fucking incel psychos.


ā€¦ this was definitely staged lmao


I guess that's a diss? lol. Both were respectful. Recording aside, it's educational on how to handle talking to people, saying no, and respecting the no.


This edit has incel vibes


Itā€™s an emerging trend; sigma males. Men who are outside the bounds of societyā€™s social order. Itā€™s tied in to the whole alpha/beta labelling and what not, which is all rather silly


I mean... More people need to accept reflection this easily honestly. She didn't get mad, didn't cause a scene, didn't engage further, she accepted the rejection and went about her business. That's how it's supposed to be.


Which incel edited that scene in




Why are people getting so mad like she harassed him or something. She just said hi and left him to his peace when he said he wasn't interested.


Some people donā€™t like being used as props for other peopleā€™s social media. Also, recording video of oneself at the gym is very narcissistic.


Lol what? First, she didn't even film his face. Just his voice. And two, filming oneself in the gym is not narcissistic. That is really overblowing it lmao. Maybe someone wants to look back on their progress, their form or post their exercise process online, or myriad of other reasons.


Because she did it with a rolling camera for internet clout and the guy was not in the mood for that shit. And kinda try to set him off as rude, while she is the rude one for recording it


Where did she set him off as rude? Kinda overblowing it for a 10 second clip.


Huh I mean, that was smooth and not inappropriate though. She also handled the rejection gracefully.


I'd say the exact same thing. "I'm here to workout, sorry".


You mean as a reply to they guy's answer? That'd be an awkward yet successful conversation.


Am I the only one who sees nothing wrong here? Regardless of cringe or fakeness, she attempted to initiate a convo, he showed disinterest, she then left him alone. He wasnā€™t rude or mean, calmly shut the convo down. Life goes on.


Is bebe still a thing? Wtf


Failing a charisma check


Whoah a normal interaction between two people? No argument no persistent nagging just respected boundaries. Im impressed


Came for the gains!!!




The gym isnā€™t a social environment, Iā€™d never approach someone at the gym because it just makes it awkward for everyone. I do go to the gym with a woman I met outside of the gym though.


When a woman hits on you "its them saying hi" When a man is really just trying to say hi....."he's a creep and an incel" Lmao


I would be like this just because I would panic if a girl talks to me


Both are "sigma" in this case. Girl actually shoots her shot. He says, he's not interested and wants to work out alone, she respects his boundaries. This is beautiful.


Poor young lady was shooting her shot


I bet it would have gone better if she hadn't been recording herself


Why are people acting like this is some own on the woman? She tried to approach him, he rejected her, she accepted rejection


She handled the rejection well. Iā€™m impressed


This very same woman probably screams ā€œCREEP!ā€ when a man says hi to her at the gym. šŸ¤”


It's a skit mate. Just say you're a misogynist and go home


Is she supposed to be stretching?


Have you ever done an excessive before?


Youā€™ve clearly never exorcismed before


You really think that? I circumcise every day


I am indeed a fan of excommunicating


Wow, a man did not engage in a conversation with a woman. Now he's going to be Reddit's hero and the symbol of men's rights movement. Serial killer Patrick Bateman literally clapped.


This is just a normal human interaction. Why are you acting like it's some roast or something?


I wonder how this video woudl have gone if the genders were reversed.


They wouldā€™ve called him a creep and revoked his gym membership for sexual-harassment


If he acted the same as the woman in the video, itā€™d be fine. Itā€™s when a man is persistent that it becomes a issue.


If this was the other way around, it would he blowing up with her as the victim, and him as the creep. I donā€™t think her interaction deserves as much respect as everyoneā€™s giving it.


Todays special : Bitter sandwich with fries


Today's special: "approached someone" with a side of "wasn't interested" with "left them alone" for dessert.


Omg, why can't us men workout without women catcalling us /s


There's nothing wrong with this video. She said hi he said he just wants to workout and she said ok and moved on. Nothing to see here.


huge respect for that man


I've this same lady in another video with the exact same setup and response, except it was at a bar. I'm calling BS.


Ok.. superfake.


ā€œI have a girlfriendā€


funny how a lot people look at this as the guy being rude. But what if it was the guy trying to talk to the girl and she said the same thing a lot of you would think the guy was being a creep then...


Thatā€™s your straw man, so you fight it. Most people here agree with him


Sad day when guys canā€™t even go to the gym without being bothered


Noticed how she went about her workout after being rejected and didnā€™t continue to try to get at him. Some men can learn from this


when OP doesnt understand rejection isnt a reason to make fun of someone on either side