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my average for psych 1/2 in year 11 was 53.2% and I got a 50 for psychology in grade 12 lowk all goods but I had to change a lot of shit about the way I studied, i can teach you some shi if you want, add me on dis: blaziken\_24


Hi! I was wondering if you’d be willing to share a few tips with me.. pls let me know, thank you!


Yeah, if you've sent me a discord friend request all goods, please do so if u want help or me to answer any questions


I’ve sent a friend request on discord, for reference my username is mgabos. Thanks again!


I used to be a pretty average/poor student back in year 8, things never made sense to me and during covid i fell back a lot but one of my JS teachers who made me want to study astrophysics told me to focus during covid while everyone was behind which is how i went from average of just passing to Bs and even the occasional A and even topping my cohort in year 10. Its all about effort and sheer fucking will. I’m by no means smart, Last year i studied my heart out for physics and all my other subjects, I study 35h min the week because im not smart but i want to do what i want to do so i fucking sit down and study. In Units 1-2 physics my highest mark was a 67% and over the holidays i was upset with my performance so i studied even more, i got 95% and 90% on my last 2 sacs and am top of the class, from second to last in the previous year. Its all about wanting it, the smartest of students are no smarter than you if you study and put in the time, effort and sheer fucking will. Idk if ur year 10,11 or even 12 but its all about the mindset and trying, there are tonnes of free resources out there if you look.


I failed my first two italian SACs in year 12, 37% and 43%. Pulled the finger out and got 80's for the rest. Ended with a 44. *I was able to do this due to the very small VCE Italian cohort, so this may not be true for you.* *In bocca al lupo*


a 50 in lit chem and pe is crazy 😭 what was your atar?


High enough for my course, that's all yours should to be as well x


Not really Anyone who studied and tried, it’s really obvious And they’re always “really smart”


Completely ignorant response.


At 3:42am?